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only seungkwan would find himself in the center of another couple fight and not be the one in the actual couple.

in the days following wonwoo and mingyu making up from whatever relationship problems they were having, everything seemed fine. it really did. of course, as seungkwan and the rest of their friends would come to learn, it didn't last long at all. if anything, it may have been less than a day, but wonwoo and mingyu were trying their hardest to pretend that nothing was wrong.

wonwoo was, for some reason, always busy with work that week. mingyu would come over to seungkwan's home and complain about it because how is a librarian busy? which seungkwan easily defended because they both knew wonwoo had a job that kept the older boy busy.

mingyu didn't want to hear that, though. he wanted seungkwan to agree with him and follow mingyu's logic that he had the more demanding job. in his anger, he made fun of the simplicity of seungkwan's job, which the younger boy didn't take lightly. more so the fact that mingyu was picking at him for no reason other than to direct his anger elsewhere.

the rest of that day was spent with mingyu apologizing to wonwoo and seungkwan until both of them forgave him.

on day two, mingyu came over with a leftover pizza he made the night before at work, still continuing his apologies even though seungkwan told mingyu he forgave him over the phone. seungkwan wasn't about to reject a free pizza, so he just let the older boy in as he continued to clean his house.

as mingyu put the pizza in the oven, he watched seungkwan dust his tv, the younger boy focusing on not knocking the screen over. mingyu sighed loudly, hoping to get the attention of his younger friend. he frowned as he watched seungkwan move on to dusting the various photo frames he had around his living room. mingyu moved next to the tv and sighed again, louder this time, crossing his arms over his chest as his eyes watched seungkwan.

seungkwan was holding a photo of him, wonwoo, and mingyu, when he closed his eyes and let out a sigh of his own. he knew what mingyu was doing. and truthfully, he didn't want to know what the boy came over to complain about that day. he hoped it didn't involve wonwoo, but as he reluctantly asked mingyu what was wrong and the older boy sprang up and started talking about wonwoo ignoring his texts from the night before, he knew he was screwed.

and who was seungkwan to tell mingyu to stop complaining? seungkwan was one of his best friends. what kind of best friend was he if he wouldn't let mingyu confide in him?

seungkwan didn't end up eating any pizza that day. mingyu ate the entire pizza as he sat on the couch and ranted about wonwoo ignoring his texts.

on day three, seungkwan couldn't be happier to hear that mingyu had a double that day and would be too busy to visit seungkwan. the youngest couldn't hide his smile as mingyu texted him about it, already making plans to take a long bath before he got ready for work that day.

seungkwan didn't realize he dozed off until he heard the door to his bathroom slam open. the younger boy startled as he sat up, his eyes following the sound of the noise and widening as he saw wonwoo walking towards him, crossing his legs as he sat down in front of seungkwan.

seungkwan looked around frantically, sinking down further into the bubbles he thankfully had in his bath. "hyung, what are yo–"

wonwoo didn't listen as he said, "has mingyu been talking about me?"

seungkwan paused, feeling his shoulders drop as he looked at the older boy. he let out a low groan and put his head on the edge of the tub, the older boy taking that as a yes. that was all he needed to hear before he went into a full-blown rant about his boyfriend.

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