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seungkwan planned to confess to wonwoo tomorrow. he didn't have anything planned. he was just going to pull wonwoo aside and tell him everything. from the moment he realized he liked him to the moment he realized it was more than like. he loved him. he just hoped wonwoo wouldn't reject him.

seungkwan laid in bed, staring at the ceiling as he ran through all of the possible outcomes for tomorrow. wonwoo could just laugh awkwardly. he could reject him in the nicest way possible. or... seungkwan chuckled quietly, shaking his head as he finally sat up. there was no need to dwell on it now. he's been mentally preparing himself for this moment for five years.

seungkwan remembers the first time he spoke with wonwoo. the older boy's family came into his shelter to adopt a dog – they did end up adopting, thankfully. while wonwoo's parents were picking out a dog, the older boy randomly struck up a conversation with seungkwan.

seungkwan was surprised. he remembered going to the same schools as wonwoo, but their paths never properly crossed. it was the same with mingyu. it was strange. how did the three of them spend their whole lives in the same small town, but only became friends when they ended up going to the same university in the city? it seemed like fate or something else.

seungkwan remembers how wonwoo started asking him about how to properly care for a dog, being very thorough with his questions. seungkwan thought it was endearing and relieving. the young boy always wanted the best for the animals in his care, and wonwoo's family seemed nice, so he was happy to hear that they were adopting. whenever seungkwan would visit wonwoo's family, he always played with solie. the dog was always so excited to see him as well.

seungkwan pulled his covers aside, getting out of bed and deciding to wash up. he needed to clear his mind of wonwoo. just because he was going to confess to the older boy didn't mean he had to spend all day in bed thinking about him.

as he got ready for the day, he felt a smile creep onto his face. he hoped things went well tomorrow. he hoped more than anything that things went well, but he knew it wasn't right to get his hopes up.

no matter what, he would accept wonwoo's decision.

the boy got dressed, drying his hair with a towel as he stepped out of his room. he checked his fridge for food, sighing when he saw there wasn't much to eat. he closed the fridge with a sigh, looking through his cabinets and coming up blank there as well.

he had half a mind to call mingyu to bring him something, but he thought the boy might be asleep. he sat down on his couch and pulled out his phone, checking to see if he had enough money to go out for breakfast. he sighed again, seeing he only had a small amount of money in his account. he was being paid tomorrow, but he didn't want to spend the little he had left on food.

well, call mingyu it is.

seungkwan quickly pulled up the older boy's contact, smiling when mingyu picked up his call almost immediately. "kwannie...?" came mingyu's voice from the other line, his voice raspy and laced with drowsiness. 

seungkwan bit his lip, realizing that he probably woke the older boy up. he shook his head, deciding to commit to the bit as he said, "hi, hyung..." lilting his voice as he twirled an invisible strand of his hair. he didn't know why he was doing that, it's not like mingyu could see him. his hair wasn't long enough to twirl, either.

mingyu let out a low groan, presumably sitting up and pausing before he asked, "what do you want?"

seungkwan scoffed in indignation. "hyung, can't i call you to see how my bestest friend in the universe is doing?"

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