~Chapter 1~

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presesnt day

No ones POV

Y/n was sitting at the bar of her casino with a guy who was trying to hit on her, she had no interest in the man, but a free drink is a free drink so she accepted anyway. The sound of loud gambling machines echoed throughout The Joker as she was having a dry conversation with this man, who was most likely only talking to her for her money.

Since arriving in hell y/n has made a big name of herself except she now goes by her demon name, Vegas. Only close friends, such as, Valentino, Vox, Veneer and most recently Velvette know her real name.

After the meeting with Vox from so many years ago, Y/n quickly settled into the big tower where the rest of the Vee's lived, and became one of the most powerful alliances in hell. Recently, only a few years ago Velvette fell into hell and quickly rose to overlord status and Vox invited her to the Vee's as well.


"And then I said to her-" I said telling a story from my time on earth to the man before veneer rushed into the conversation and interrupted me. "vegas, t-the radio demon has just came into the building, he says he would like to speak to you" Veneer said with fear in his tone. I burst out into a nervous kind of laughter "Alastor is back? so the rumours are true, hasn't he been gone for like 7 years? I remember Vox being so excited about his disappearance" he can't be back, right? The first time I heard about 'the radio demon' I was scared shitless, but now being an overlord, I have been waiting to meet the guy himself. " bring him over here" I say in anticipation of his arrival "and you," I say looking at the guy who bought me a drink, "shoo" I say looking at him as my eyes started to glow so I could get him to piss off.

"Alastor, pleasure to be meeting you vegas quite a pleasure!" He says while taking my hand to shake it. "Likewise, I've been waiting for the day to be meeting you in person" I say trying to match is energy. If Vox was here heading he'd want to kill me just for speaking to this guy, but he isn't the boss of me so it's fine. "So, what brings you into the Joker?" I say curiously. "Well I was thinking we could play some chess, as a bet of some sort, whoever wins will keep all the money!" He says enthusiastically. "Chess!?" I say while trying to hold in my laughter " this isn't some school chess club, this is a casino" I say. "oh I'm sorry I wouldn't of came in if I knew you were going to be to scared to play against me" he says laughing while turning away to leave. "Wait!, I'll play" I say not wanting to look like a coward. Me? Scared? Really?

sitting in the top floor in the middle of the room was me, and the radio demon. A small crowd around us eager to watch someone make a move. I was white, meaning I get to go first. I make the first move, then hit the clock making it his turn. He quickly snaps back, he must know what he's doing. However, this was one of the many games my father taught me as a child, so I knew some strategies. "So, I heard that your helping with little miss Morningstar'a new passion project" I say then hitting the clock. "Your point?" He asks than quickly hitting the clock a few seconds after I do. He sounds quite annoyed, or trying to focus. "Why? With all due respect Alastor that doesn't seem like something you would do, she has a good idea and I can't really understand why you would help with it" I say while making my next move on the board and taking one of his pieces. "That is for me to know" he snickers then makes a move. "Why do you wanna know?" He stares into my eyes and his turn into dials then quickly change back. Was that supposed to scare me? "No reason, just curious". The game went on the same for about 10 more minutes until I saw my chance to win. He put up a good fight, but it's no match for me. "Check mate" I say while looking dead straight in the eyes. He looked dumb founded, shocked, but I could only tell from his eyes since he always has that smile on his face. The people watching around started to clap and applaud the game. Me and Alastor shake hands as people start to walk away.

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