~chapter 7~

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I stayed at the hotel last night, left veneer in charge once again. Although recently, he hasn't been angry at me for leaving, and has been asking me what I do at the hotel? Like he's interested on what I'm doing when I'm not at the Joker. I'm glad he's not mad anymore, it's just quite weird how he had no interest in the hotel, but now suddenly wants to know more about it. Maybe he wants to get redeemed?

I woke up earlier than I usually do, but that's because I heard somebody sprint down stairs past my door. The loud thuds of their feet hitting the ground must of woke me. I rub my eyes so they adjust to how light it already was. I then open my door to see what kind of commotion is going on

While walking to the stair case, I see Angel who must have heard the commotion as well. We exchanged confused glances and walk together down the stairs,
What I saw was definitely not what I expected. The person running down the stairs into the parlour was Vaggie, she stared at Charlie who looked visibly tired, with big purple bags under her eyes. Next to Vaggie was pentious and husk, who looked just as confused as I. Although nifty had a big smile on her face. Nifty is very kind hearted but also very creepy and scary at the same time, much like Alastor, who of which was not in the room.

It seems everyone woke up far before me, since I was still in my nightwear unliked everyone else who were already changed.

"You good?" Vaggie says glancing over to Charlie then me looking quite scared. "Nope! Not really!" Charlie laughs awkwardly. There were many pictures connected by red string all across the room. Charlie looked like she needed a rest. Badly. There were several boards across the parlour with various papers attached to them, but she must have ran out of space because they were plastered across the walls as well. Taking a quick glance at all the writing, it looks like she's still trying to figure out the whole 'redemption' thing.

"I've been up all night trying to figure out why the hotel isn't working" she was grabbing for more paper and putting them on the little space left of the board, but ended up just crumpling it up. Her eyes were all red and blood shot, which looked kinda creepy. "We've done trust falls. We've tried to share our feelings. We only have a couple months left before the angels come." She manically laughs, which showed a little of her demon form. Which I haven't actually seen yet. Although they haven't seen mine either.

"Maybe it's time.." Vaggie starts but then gets cut off by Charlie "No." I'm not sure what Vaggie is suggesting, but Charlie doesn't seem too keen on it. "To ask..." she tries to carry on her sentence, before being cut off again. "Don't say it." Charlie grabs vaggies face. Me and Angel look at each other in confusion once again, then look back at the couple. "Your dad.." Vaggie finally ends her sentence.

Her dad? Like the king of hell? I mean, it would be kinda cool to meet the big guy himself, quite over due really, and he'd most likely help a lot. I don't really know much about Charlie and her dad's relationship, but seeming as she's acting like this, she must have some sort of daddy issues. "Charlie, I know you don't want to, but we need every advantage we can get" Vaggie explains. I sit down as I'm still half asleep and still exhausted. "He let the Extermination to happen to begin with. They just had a meeting and said. 'Go ahead and kill everyone" Charlie retorted, but then gasped as if she had an idea. "Kill everyone?" Vaggie asks. "No! He could get me a meeting with heaven." She explains. "Didn't you already have one?" I ask, I'm sure I remember her talking about it. "Well yeah, with Adam, he was an asshole. But he isn't in charge of all of heaven. We could go to the top! There's sure to be some angels who will listen!" She exclaimes, pulling out her phone to presumably call her father. "What's the hold up? You got daddy issues?" Husk asks, which was exactly what I was thinking. "No, we just have never been close. After he and Mom split, he never really wanted to see me. He calls... sometimes, but only if he's bored or like.. needs me to do something" Charlie explains. "Daddy issues" me and husk mutter at the same time, then laugh a little.

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