~chapter 6~

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"you WHAT?!?" I shout down the phone to Charlie. Apparently she went into VALENTINO'S work place to get angel out of work, and then SET THE PLACE ON FIRE SOMEHOW?! Knowing Valentino, he'll take it out on Angel, which makes me scared of what he is going to do to him, since I've seen in happen before. I get that Charlie was just trying to help, but Angel could be in serious danger. "I know..I'm sorry we were doing an exercise and Angel had to leave and I tried to stop him and I-" Charlie was explaining over the phone before I cut her off. "I'll be there in 5" I sigh ending the call and leaving my office.

I walk down the steps from my office down to the main casino, headed to the double doors. "Veneer dude, you're in charge again" I say walking past him to the door. "Y/n, you can't keep making me in charge, you have hardly been here these past few weeks" he says walking over to me making me stop in my tracks. "I'm just busy with the hotel, and there is kind of an emergency right now so can we talk about this lat-" I say trying to get around veneer but he cuts me off. "No! You can't just leave with a seconds notice" he starts raising his voice, but others can't hear from the deafening sounds of the various machines. "I'm sorry, when was this your casino? When did you get to make the rules? I'll be back in a bit!" I teleport to the hotel from where I am instead of trying to walk around him anymore.

Who does he think he is? He's the assistant, I'm the one in charge! He can't boss me around like that.

I walk in and see a glass shattered on the floor, Charlie crawled up into a ball on the couch, and husk looking very annoyed.

"Husk, what did you do?" Vaggie asks looking quite annoyed. "Made him a drink" Husk shrugged his shoulders. "Made who a drink? Angel?" I ask, I swear to satan if this guys was annoying Angel after what he presumably had to go through earlier. "Yeah.. he looked really upset" Charlie says walking over to where me and Vaggie were standing. "It's just angel, he'll be fine" Husk says trying to act like nothing happened. "I'm not so sure, I really messed up at the studio today and he got... it was... it's wasn't good okay?" It sounds like I'm the only one she told, which more or less makes sense because I know Val. "It sounds like somebody should go after him..." husk stares at me blankly. "Someone named Husk!" I stare at him, making sure he goes to help Angel. While this was happening Vaggie tried to comfort Charlie as she was still feeling down about what had occurred earlier in the day. "Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me. Why don't you go if you're so worried?" He asks me looking more pissed off than beforehand. "Cuz I'm not the one who sent him storming out, you caused it. YOU need to drag him back." I say walking over to the bar where he was. "No! No..." Charlie says rushing over to where we were. "Don't force him back, just make sure he's safe. I pushed to hard earlier and, I only made things worse." she explains to husk and Vaggie. "Look he'll come back when he's ready. I just don't want anything to happen until then. " Charlie looks sadder than she was before, but she is doing the right thing. Husk growls accepting that he needs to go find Angel. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go write 100 apology letters and a lesson plan for tomorrow about... boundaries" she says more excitedly to lighten the atmosphere in the room.

"Y/n can you please get me my markers and a stack of paper from the supply room upstairs?" Charlie asks while walking to the small coffee table in the parlour. "Sure" I say walking over to the long stair case to the supply room. Along the way I see the tall red headed demon.

"Hey Al!" I say walking over to him since he standing quite close to the supply room. "Hello darling, what are you doing?" He asks me as I walk past him unlocking the door. "Charlie needs a bunch of pens and shit for something I'm just getting them for her" I say walking into the supply room. I quickly realise, the box with the markers is set far higher than me. "Al..., can you help me please" I shout out the door to him. He walks in to where I'm standing, reaches over me and leans over to get the box. "Here" Alastor pushes it into my hands. "Short ass" he laughs while walking towards the door. "Hey! I ain't short, you're just really mother fucking tall!"

Veneers POV

Around 3:00am at night I close the casino, of course y/n would usually do it but she is at that hotel. Again. Before arriving home to Elliot, there is one more stop I have to make. I walk outside the building, and look over the uber that awaited for me. "Ride for Veneer?" He asks, most likely also as tired as me because it was getting late. "Yep.." I reply sitting inside the vehicle. I assume the driver is very fatigued, considering that normally the driver makes small talk and what not, but this guy immediately starts the car to get the destination at hand.

Once arriving, I get greeted by one of their many employees, as they walk me to his office. Should I be doing this? Betraying her trust? y/n bosses me around all the time, as if I'm not the one who helped her in the first place. I open the door to Vox's office, to which he was sitting down at his desk

"Veneer, so great to see you again." Vox greats me in and I sit on the seat opposite him. He already knew who I was, since I used to work round here a lot when y/n was still in the Vee's. "I have, a proposal for you" he starts off by saying. "I know that y/n, has been working at that ratty princess's hotel for god knows the reason, and Me and the Vee's want to know what they're planning. So my proposition for you is when y/n tells you some info about the hotel, you relay the information back to us." He explains. "Somebody as smart as you Vox should know I wouldn't do it without a price" I counter, if I don't get anything in return, theirs no point in betraying y/n anyway. He then gets out a jet black brief case, sets it on the desk. He undos the hinges, and inside is thousands of dollar bills. "350,000$, it can be yours if you do this for us" Vox says as his screen glows brighter then it already is.

I think for a moment, is this worth it? To betray her? It's A LOT of money, enough to provide for me and Elliot for a long time. On the other hand, I've been by y/n's side since she arrived in hell, she saved me from an angel. Is it worth it?

"Fine" I say in defeat, it will do good for me, besides y/n doesn't need to know, maybe she won't even find out. "So it's a deal?" He manifests a scroll in his hand, I quickly read through the lines, in case of anything weird going on. He puts his claws out ready for me to shake his hand to seal the deal.



This is very short but I had no idea what to write lmao thanks for 500 reads tho

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