~Chapter 8~

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"Can I also get..." I say trying to pick out the last donut I want, I feel kinda bad for leaving
Veneer by himself so much, so I'm getting some apology donuts. "3 vanilla ones... and I think that's it!" I don't know if I should get more, but I think that'll be fine. "9.59$" I pay what I owe to the grumpy employee, and manifest back to the joker.

I walk from the stair case, up to his office, which is next to mine. We got it installed a few weeks ago since I'm not here all the time anymore. While holding the box of donuts, I push the door open with my back.

"Hey Veneer!! I got donuts as an apology gift for being at the hotel so much" I place them on his desk and take one for myself. "Oh thank you y/n!" He says taking a chocolate donut. Before I could say anything else, my phone started to ring. "I'll be back in a minute!" I walk out the door and pick up the phone. "Hey y/n! We are at club with my friend you need to meet her!" Angel says over the phone. "Now? I think I can make it" I say looking at the time on my phone. "Just do your magic bull shit and get over here!" he says hanging up the phone. I open the door back up and tell Veneer I'm going, which he doesn't mind.

"Hey dudes!!" I say manifesting into the club. I immediately buy a shot and quickly drink it. "This is the friend I was talkin' about, this is cherri!" Angel says pushing me in front of the one eyed girl. "It's nice to meet one of angels friends, I'm y/n" I say while ordering yet another drink. I sit down on the stool between cherri and Angel, taking a sip of my newly ordered drink. I look over to nifty, who is sweeping the floor for some odd reason? Then I look at pentious, who is talking to cherri. "Ms. Bomb, I-I'd like to buy you a drink" he says tapping on her shoulder, I look over to Angel, who looks a mixed of tired and annoyed. "You ok Angel?" I ask sipping my drink. "Fine, just Val making me do a shit tone of work today.." he says leaning his head on the counter. "I hate that moth lookin ass" I then hear pentious yell "because I'm buying everyone a drink!" Was he trying to hit on cherri? "Good, I need a drink after today. You know, Val, he's into this waterboarding shit now, I don't know it's a kink" Angel sighs. "Good thing I'm not there no more to see that!" I laugh taking the shot that was just put in front of me, with my other drink still in hand. "Angel, enough with the Val talk. He already ruined your whole day. Don't let him ruin your night too. Here take one of these and you won't be worrying about nothing!" She puts some pills in front of angel. I sort of hope he doesn't take them, since he's still kind of 'on the path to redemption'. "Here we go.." husk mutters but we all seem to hear. "Oh look, the drunk sobered up long enough to judge us."  "I ain't the one trying to get into heaven. Look, you want to fuck up all your progress? Be my guest. I just... I just thought you were better than that" husk does make a point, but before I could say anything, cherri starts to speak again. "Thanks, captain buzzkill. Come on Angie, let's get fucked up! It's been too long" cherri tries to convince him. "I, uhh, I don't know, it's been a long night, and I don't need to go too wild" me and husk link eyes and nod at each other knowing Angel made the right choice. "Come on, bitch. If you've really been working that hard, you deserve a little R and R... and some THC, or maybe PCP with DMT!" Cherri still trying to convince him. "I... I guess." Angel says looking down and the pills in front of him.

"cheri.. I bought you a shot, B-because I bought everyone another shot!!" Pentious says once again. Me, Angel, and Cherri all down the shot infront of us, but I'm still hoping Angel doesn't go through with all those fucking pills. "Fuck it, let's do it!" I face palm and looking over to husk who looks just as annoyed as me, rolling his eyes.

We all decide to move from the bar into a big booth to all sit in. They all start to leave but I order one more drink for myself. "I'll have another one of whatever this was", I already forgot what I ordered, I just know it was something fruity. "Of course sweet cheeks, how 'bout after my shift we go to a place a little more fun~" the bartender says trying to hit on me. "Kind offer... but no thank you.." I say as the man sits the drink infront of me. I quickly pick it up and walk over to where the others were sitting. "Ew ew ew.." I mutter under my breath as I sit down next to husk.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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