~chapter 5~

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"You can't go out their veneer! An exterminator is bound to kill you!" I yelled. "But- but Elliot is at home, and I want him to be safe" veneer explains. The extermination is underway, and nobody in the joker remembered, meaning veneers boyfriend is alone in their apartment. "I need to go, I need to protect him if one of them fucking angels gets in." veneer says while walking to the door. "But one of them might get you!" I yell holding his shoulder so he won't move. "You don't understand vegas!" he says while looking back at me."I'll go with you." I say. "You can't.. you'll put yourself in danger!" Veneer is now yelling as am I. We were the only ones in the joker, since it was a Sunday and we were closed, the only reason we were there was to collect some files. "I'm an overlord, you'll have a better chance of getting there with me by your side." I say. "Let's go now then!" Veneer says while running out the door.

We hid behind many buildings, bushes, going through alleyways so we could get to his apartment. Of course, I would have teleported but it only works for myself, meaning veneer would have to walk, and I couldn't protect him. While running from one alley to another, suddenly veneer gets tackled by an exterminator, who also had another demon in their hand, who I recognised. One of Carmilla Carmine's daughters. I couldn't help but lundge at the angel, getting her grip off of veneer and Carmillas daughter. I look above me, to see Carmilla kick the angel in the face with angelic heels, Which beheaded the angel. I had no idea they could be killed, so I'm far from shocked. "VENEER" I cried before running over to him. "Are you ok? Are you hurt?" A million questions ran through my mind. "I'm fine y/n" veneer said. "Go! The apartment is just there!" I say while pointing to the door. He jumps up and runs over to the apartments door. Glad he is safe, but I must thank Carmilla. "Carmilla.. thank you so much, he- he could have died" I say while walking over to her. "We mustn't tell anyone about this, it stays between us" she says to me and her daughters. "Why? We could fend off the exterminators-" I say then she cuts me off. "If anyone knew, then all of hell would break loose, its best nobody knows" Carmilla demands. "Very well, good luck to you all." I say while teleporting to the Vee's tower.

I wake up in cold sweat, I've been having this same dream over and over again since it happened, last extermination. I've kept to what I said, me and veneer have not told a soul, but this will be the first time I see Carmilla after what had happened.

I look at the time, 4:03, I've hardly slept at all. I look over to the side of my bed, and see my guitar. I brung it to the hotel because I didn't want it in my house, I only knew a few songs and I wasn't very good at playing, maybe this was the time to practice since I couldn't sleep

I grab the guitar, and strum some of the cords, then play a song I remember learning a few years ago. 'I wanna be yours' by the arctic monkeys. From what I'm aware, the band is still alive and in the living world, but their music has made its way down here. I didn't bother singing the lyrics. One because I only know the chorus and two because I don't want to wake anyone.

While playing, the thought of what happened on extermination day popped back into my head, I'm very bad at keeping secrets, so it's a miracle that I haven't told anyone, who knows what would happen if I did. Potentiality, it could help with the hotel and we can all try take down Adam and his army. However, like what Carmilla said, somebody we care for could get hurt in the process. I come back to reality as I hear a soft knock on my door, I must of woke somebody up, shit.

I stand up from my bed and unlock the door, then I'm faced with a tall, red headed demon. "Hello my dear, I couldn't help but overhear the sound of music" he looks past me to see my guitar on my bed, invites himself in and walks over to it. "I didn't know you could play the guitar.. Play something for me!" He asks and puts the back in my hands, I sit on my bed and he sits on my desk chair.

I play the same song I was, just restarting from the beginning. I have no doubt i was a bit rusty, since I haven't played in months, so I hope I didn't embarrass myself. I pay close attention to each cord I play, getting a few slightly wrong, but I don't think he notices. I finish the song and look up at him, to which he's staring at me, looking a bit zoned out. "Hell to Alastor" I say while waving my hand in his face. "Oh! Right, sorry I zoned out a little" he says while looking a little embarrassed. "Why are you up at this time though dear? We have a meeting tomorrow" he asks "I know, I know, I just had a bad dream and now I'm all shaky and shit" I say while putting my guitar back on its stand. "A bit of the screaming meemies?" He asks "a bit of the what now?" I ask while laughing a little, still half asleep. "Basically a nightmare my dear, just some slang from when I was on earth" he says while getting up from my desk chair and walking over to the door. "Oh right" I say while laughing at how old-timey he is. "Do try get some rest though y/n, we're leaving at 11:30" he says while opening my door. "Plenty of time" I say while getting comfortable in my bed as he closes the door.

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