A real life goddess (2)

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It's been a week since I've encountered Alycia, I couldn't get over her, her beautiful smile, her green eyes. I've learned that she was a famous actress, who played in a bunch of series. I didn't wanna be a creep and watch them...maybe I will watch a few but certainly not now..

« God why am I thinking about her » I said out loud and face palming myself

To get my train of thoughts away I decided to go jog seeing as it's a good weather today, I dressed up in my running fit wearing a leggings and a sport cropped top, I put on my Apple Watch as I didn't want to carry my phone.

I decided to take my dog, sushi with me for my jog. I was tying my shoes when suddenly a shade came towards me it was her, Alycia.

« Hey Y/N nice to see you again, going for a jog?» she asks with the most adorable smile ever

« Hey Alycia yes I am, care to join? » CARE TO JOIN Y/N ARE YOU CRAZY! I thought to myself

« I'd love to since, I was also about to go for a jog, ur dog is adorable what's her or his name? » while she pats my dog in the head

« It's a girl and her name is sushi » I say shy by the name I picked.

We were jogging up the hill she showed me a spot, where you can see the beautiful houses in Beverly Hills, it was awesome. We got to know each other, where we came from,what we do in life, and other stuff. She was pretty much shocked that I was the daughter of
Y/P/N which made me giggle a bit, she also told me about herself and the series she acted on and working on I was fascinated of her life and wanted to learn more about her. After some time we decided to conclude our jog.

We were walking down the hill when I grew the confidence to invite her for dinner.

« Hey Alycia do you wanna maybe come over for dinner? » I asked with a shy smile

« I would love too, I will be there after I wash up and get ready!» she says smiling towards me as my face turns slightly red

« Great I'll see you later then » smiling and closing my door afterwards

Please don't embarrass yourself tonight

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