A real life goddess (3)

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It's been a few weeks now and surprisingly me and Alycia has been getting to know more of each other and getting more comfortable with each others presence, she was the best to be around I could say. We would constantly go to each others houses wether it was just to chill, cook, watch some movie or series. The time spent with her was fun,

I've been busy lately so I couldn't really spend some time with her, I only got to call or text her as much as I can. She told me that she's leaving in a week to film the new season of Fear The Walking Dead and I was a bit sad to hear this yet happy for her. I wanted to spend more time with Alycia, the girl I've slowly been falling for.

I was in my office finishing of a meeting with our company partners, my head was elsewhere, so I decided that this was it for today. I asked Luna to send me the rest of the work I needed to do so I could do them at home instead.

I was now driving home, hopefully Alycia's home right now so I can go over her house, arriving in front of her door after I parked my car in my garage, i went over her house and knocked on her door hesitantly.

« y/n!! » she squealed pulling me for a hug

« Hey aly, sorry I couldn't visit so often I've been busy with you know the company and all» I say while my arms found it's way around her waist

« It's ok y/n I'm glad to see you now, come on let's go inside » she's says pulling me in excitedly and shutting the door behind her.

She insisted to cook for me because she knows I had a long day at work (yea thinking abt her), she cooked me some pasta and it was amazing, she was a great cook, I thanked her for the dinner. As we went to the living room and decided to watch some movie.

« Aly I'm gonna miss you » I whispered as I leaned in her neck, remembering that she had to leave in a week to film FTWD.

She giggled at my action and brought her arm around my waist and her other one playing with my hair « I'll only be filming for a few weeks and coming back for a little break after Y/N, you'll survive I promise. »

I hummed in response inhaling her scent and focused on the fact that I was practically cuddling with her. It was the best feeling ever, but knowing Alycia she is probably straight and would never fall for me, we never got to talk about any of these sexuality stuff so I just assumed.

I wanted to stay in her arms for as long as I can.

It's been a week that Alycia left to film, I've been lonely to say the least, I was almost dependent of Alycia's presence around me. Lately I've been missing her more than usual, we do still call and text a lot but lately she's been busy so we couldn't really talk right now. And suddenly I got a text

« heyyy y/n, I'm off work right now how are you »

I smiled seeing her text, we talked the whole night about the set and everything and she told me she has a surprise for me next week, I was excited. Who wouldn't want a surprised from their crush right?

It's been a few days now and her surprise is supposedly coming in 2 days, I wanted to do something for her too, so I decided to send her a pink bear bouquet with some of her favourite chocolates. It was the cutest thing ever so I wanted to get it for her, I really hope she likes it. My phone suddenly rang, I smiled as I read the contact name, Alycia ❤️.

« Y/N OMG DID YOU SEND THESE!? » she says holding up the giant bear bouquet

« Yes I did, you deserve it Alycia » I say blushing a bit

We spent the night talking again and her telling me about how happy she is about the bouquet I've sent, it was a long night for her so I decided to let her go and rest.

« Don't forget your surprise tomorrow » she says grinning cutely.

« I won't Alycia, I'm very excited to find out what it is!! » I say with a giggle

We said our goodnight and both ended the call, I was still thinking about her, but I know she'll be coming home in a few weeks.

I was woken up by my phone ringing, turns out to be Luna calling me for an emergency back in the company, I immediately got ready and headed to the company.

It was a little misunderstanding between our company deals with the partner and I manage  it quickly, letting Luna send an email to my Dad that it was dealt with. I headed home straightaway, because I knew what today was. It was Alycia's surprise I was excited to get home and find out what it is.

I got home and parked my car in the garage, took my keys from my bag and opened the door and suddenly I was greeted by Alycia!

« OH MY GOD ALYCIA!!! » I squealed in happiness as I engulfed her in a hug snaking my arm to her neck, as she also puts her arms to my waist pulling me closer.

« I've missed you so much Alycia you don't even know » I whispered against her shoulders

« I've missed you more y/n » as I felt her smile on my shoulder, she was a few inch taller which wasn't really a problem.

She pulled out the flowers she got me, it was beautiful, I smiled thanking her.

After our long hug and a bunch of « I miss you's » thrown in each others way, we both went to sit down on my sofa. She started by telling me that she caught her flight yesterday when I went to sleep and got here a few hours ago, I've missed her voice so much so all I could do was listen to her talk.

« Y/n, are you listening? » she questioned with a quirked brow

« Yea I'm sorry just lost in my mind » I say with a tiny & tired smile

« Are you sure? » she questioned again as she held my face in her hands, I leaned in her touch. I've been missing her warmth this much

« I know you have been » she says making me look at her realizing I've said that out loud, my faced turned red and I look down to my lap embarrassed.

And suddenly I felt lips against mine, i was taken a back from her action but I didn't waste no time and kiss her back, it was slow and with passionate.

« I like you y/n » she says, I was in disbelief. I was shocked and never knew that she could fall in love with girl, and I was lucky enough that it got to be me.

Alycia liked me.

I pulled her close to me again as our lips found each other, the warmth, the taste of her lips; her vanilla lip balm, I felt her arms tighten around my waist like she was afraid to let me go, after a while we both pulled apart at the lose of breath.

I finally let it out, the words I've been wanting to tell her for the longest time and the words she's been yearning for since the beginning.

I love you so much Alycia Debnam-Carey.

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