Missing her

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I find myself driving thru downtown alone, with my own thoughts. I had a few days off of work from FTWD, and I didn't know how to spend it. I've been slacking ever since, ghosting everyone and anyone that wanted to spend time with me.

Knowing all I wanted was to spend time with her.

As I drove to my favourite café and spending half my day, working and checking my emails I got sick of it and decided to head home. Getting inside my car I inhaled and exhaled, I didn't know how mentally exhausted I was until I felt tears sliding down my cheeks, I mentally talked to myself thru it and that it was fine and I was only tired.

I drove home entering my garage and parking my car, I couldn't help but think about a certain girl. I craved her voice, her warmth even if it's just sitting down close to her, her smile, her beautiful captivating eyes that makes me nervous under her gaze. God I miss her, but I know she doesn't feel the same way as I do. I never had the courage to confess my feelings towards her, yet here I am staring at my phone contemplating whether to send her the text or not, fiddling with my fingers I braced myself for the better.

"Hey, are you busy tomorrow? if not, we can get some dinner tomorrow? If you'd like of course, my treat!



Very short one but I'll make a part 2 + also for the admiration one

Alycia ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now