All Better?

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Almost a week had passed. All the parents were worried about their kids, Lilly worried about CatNap. They changed.

Picky hadn't eaten.
Hoppy hadn't run.
Bubba's grades dropped to C's and C-'s.
DogDay wasn't cheerful.
Bobby wasn't loving.
CatNap had started cutting and smoking more.

Mr. Bearhug went to the school and Requested for numbers.

Mr. Bearhug "I just need someone's parents phone number... What about the purple dude?"

Front desk lady "Sir... CatNap's parents left us almost 8 years ago"

After he collected numbers, Mr. Bearhug got in his car and called some up. He managed to get a number to contact CatNap so he called.


Mr. Bearhug"Hey... Uhhh... Is this CatNap?"

CatNap "Mrow..."

Mr. Bearhug"... I'll call back" he said

He hung up and called the next number. After a while he had made plans and were set. He went home and knocked on Bobby's door.

Mr. Bearhug"Bobby..?"

Bobby came over and cracked the door. He said they were going somewhere. She got in the car and drove for about a mile.

Bobby "An escape room?"

Mr. Bearhug "Yup, and you'll like your team"

Bobby "I have a bad feeling about this..."

Mr. Bearhug got out and walked in. Bobby looked out the window and saw a truck pull up by them, blasting music. After a while 7 cars were there. She only recognized one.

Bobby "CatNap?"

CatNap got out and walked into the building. After a minute Bobby walked in. Kicken' opened the door to his mom's truck. And after a while all of them were out. Their parents forced them into the room. Bubba looked around at everyone.

Bubba "It seems we were set up"

Picky "No shit, Sherlock"

Crafty "Can We-"

Bobby "Oh don't start running your mouth"

DogDay looked at Catnap and looked away.

Kicken' "Oh, boy what's the mutt's p-"

DogDay grabbed Kicken' shirt collar a and started punching him. Crafty and Bobby screamed and started trying to break them up. After they got them apart Kicken' has a black eye and bloody nose. DogDay struggled against Crafty's grip.



Bubba listened to them go back and forth. CatNap started to panic a little. He didn't wanna see his friends fight. Everyone started yelling, Bubba not included. Bubba saw CatNap's face, he knew it to well. Bubba covered his ears quickly.

Kicken' "Uh-o-"

CatNap screamed at the top of his lungs, causing everyone to shut up and cover their ears. CatNap took a deep breath.

Picky "For someone who smokes... That was ridiculous..."

CatNap looked like shit, bags under his eyes and way too skinny. The group knew he only ate once a day, unless he makes breakfast on Monday.

DogDay "Kicken' slept with you! I can't trust either of you!!"

Bubba "No one said you two were official"

Kicken' "We were drunk!"

Bubba "You're both too young!"

CatNap curled up in the corner, he felt horrible for what he did. He started to cry. Kicken' walked over and went to speak, Bubba grabbed him and scolded him.

Bubba "You are an idiot! Getting drunk at-"

Kicken' kissed him and walked away. Bobby Snickered. Bubba stood there, shook.

DogDay "Kicken', youre a fucking Ho."

Kicken' "No, I'm a Hore"

Crafty sat with CatNap. She hugged him. CatNap hugged her back. He was the only one who knew she wasn't exactly the straightest. She liked girls more then boys but boys were still an option. Crafty saw CatNap like a brother though. DogDay sat with them.

Crafty "He didn't mean to..... Give him another chance..... Please....?"

DogDay "I don't know..." He growled

Crafty "Why?"

Dogday "He fucked two men in until 24 hours!"

Crafty "The first one was assault... And he was drunk with Kicken'... For all we know Kicken' forced it..."

Kicken' "I'll make out with someone for you if that'll prove I'm sorry."

DogDay "Make out with your crush. If they're here... Or your friend crush"

Kicken' "Same person" he walked to the next room

DogDay got up and followed. Kicken' grabbed Bubba's face, didn't even let him speak. Kicken' kissed Bubba.

Picky "Oh!" She gasped

DogDay grinned, he left them to do their thing... Or each other... And He sat with CatNap. Crafty smiled and looked at Catnap, she clearly said something. CatNap hugged DogDay and kissed his cheek. He was clearly beyond sorry, he'd be sorry for the rest of his 8 lives. DogDay lifted CatNap's head.

DogDay "No hpv?"

CatNap's ears dropped and he panicked. Kicken' yelled from the other room about wearing protection. DogDay sighed and kissed CatNap quickly before pushing his head away. After a few minutes they got their shit together and started on a plan to escape.

•--1 Hour Later--•

They finally escaped and walked to their cars. Kicken' told Bubba to wait. Kicken' asked his mom if he could keep someone over. His mom said he could of course and Kicken' ran to ask Bubba's parents. They said yes but he had to be to school on time. Kicken' made sure he'd pick him up.

•--About 6:37--• (after noon)

Bubba was very concerned why Kicken' had him leave his sleeping bag at the door. Kicken' patted the bed next to him.

Bubba "Y- you want me to sleep in your bed?"

Kicken' "Yeah~"

Bubba "... What's with the voice?"

Kicken' "Please?" He said tilting his head

Eventually Bubba gave in and laid down with him. Kicken' nuzzled against Bubba's neck and he blushed. Kicken' rolled on top of him, pinning him to the bed.

Kicken' "You're cute~"

Bubba "What ab-"

Kicken' "I don't have HPV. Or whatever the other things are called."

Bubba "What if your mom walks in?"

Kicken'"She knocks~" he said getting closer

Bubba "You really want this?" He was very nervous

Kicken' "Yeah~"

Bubba grabbed his shoulders and pinned him down. Bubba did know what he was doing but hadn't done it before. Bubba leaned down and licked Kicken' neck.

Kicken' "Mmm~ you're bad at this~" he teased

Bubba "I'll show you bad..." He growled

Bubba bit down on Kicken' neck and grabbed his thighs.

Kicken' "Shit-"

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