Happily Ever After (BONUS)

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A whole 20 years had passed since the incident. Juliet looked at her parents wedding photo before sighing.

Juliet "I know you two will be next to me when I walk down the aisle..." She said before she put on her Vail

Juliet ran to Hug Anna. They were hugging for a few minutes.

Anna "I'm excited to be your sister in law, good luck being Married to Allen... I have no clue what you see in that guy" she grinned

Juliet"He makes me laugh" she joked as she elbowed her

Anna "Dogday's dad wanted to know if he should walk you down the aisle?"

Juliet"No thanks, I have a feeling my dad's will be there"

Anna "Okay"

Juliet"Sunny is ready to run down the aisle and finally be allowed to throw stuff around?"

Anna "That's Dogday's 7 year old brother, of course-"

Juliet "trans-" she 'coughed'

Anna "That's Dogday's 7 year old sister, of course she is" she corrected herself

Juliet smiled and peaked around the corner to see Sunny throw flower pedals around down the aisle. Juliet shivered at the sudden cold and her eyes widened when she saw Allen's golden retriever walk up to her, her black cat next to him. They looked up at her, the dogs blue eyes and the cats red eyes seemed to speak to her, she smiled.

Anna "You sure you don't want Dogday's dad to-"

Juliet "No... I know my dad's will be here for me..." She said, fighting tears

Juliet walked down the aisle with her pets following her, they'd always baby'd and protected her, they even got more careful when she was pregnant with the baby. Dogday's dad sat in the front row, Allen and Juliet's 7 year old son sitting next to him.

Juliet got in place, they did the ceremony and kissed. Hilton, their son covered his eyes.

Hilton "Ewww!" He whined

The cake guys came in, one tripped and the cake fell. Everyone let out aw's and oh no's. Allen's golden retriever took a fork in his mouth and stabbed it in to the cake before looking at Juliet. At this point she was 100% positive that her pets were her parents, aside from other clues.

"Juliet, Geyser's humping your cat again and I'm cooking!"

"Al, Shadow is grooming, Geyser, come quick!"

And more. Juliet walked over with a fork and took a bite.

Juliet"It's still good" she said

Everyone started eating the cake, carefully avoiding any parts that touched the floor. Juliet had her share and got some on a fork before taking the frosting off to and gave it to Shadow. Shadow licked the frosting and Geyser took the cake off the fork.

Juliet "I swear you guys are my dad's sometimes..."

They both turned to attention when she said dad.

Allen Snickerd as Juliet turned red.

Allen "Oh Geyser's fine, let him stay. Shadow won't do nothin'." He mocked playfully

Juliet "I didnt think doing the devil's tango in front of pets was a bad idea..." She groaned

Geyser covered his face from second hand embarrassment.

Allen "So if those are your parents, you think my parents are back?-"

After the cake was gone everyone got into the party mood. Hilton kept begging for Allen's drink and he finally gave in and let Hilton take a sip of Alcohol. Hilton spit it out. Anna came over and started a conversation. Geyser stayed by Juliet's side the whole time. Shadow stayed relatively close.

Geyser "I'm glad we got a second chance at life"

Shadow "I'm not"

Geyser "Why not"

Shadow "A dog your size cant safely get on top of me"

Geyser "But in this life you can talk"

Shadow "Yeah, to you and other animals"

A hawk carefully landed, an eagle next to it.

Hawk "Imagine-"

Eagle "We still can't reproduce. Male animals can have kids with other male animals. Not to mention as similar as Eagles and hawks are they-"

Shadow "Bubba and Kicken"

Hawk "You talk"

Eagle "You alive"

Geyser "You're together" his tail wagged

Hawk "I love golden retriever, black cat friend ships"

Geyser "Why-"

Juliet "No! Shoo! Away from my cat!" She said swating at the birds

Hawk "Ack!" He said flying up

The eagle followed, landing on a tree branch.

Geyser"At least we aren't the only two"

Shadow "Yay" he said sarcastically

Geyser"I love you" he said licking the cats face

Shadow "Yeah, i love you too" he said before biting his tongue

Geyser whimpered and pulled his tongue away. After everyone went home, Shadow went to the top of his cat tree and Geyser ran to the back door, Anna followed with a tennis ball in hand.

•--Bed Time--•

Juliet let Geyser and Shadow outside before going to tuck her son in. There was a collection of animals back there. The hawk, the eagle, a deer, a coyote and a fox.

Geyser "Who are you guys?"

Deer "Crafty"

Coyote "Picky"

Hawk "Kicken"

Eagle "Bubba"

Fox "Bobby"

Shadow "Catnap"

Geyser "Dogday! Where is Hoppy?"

Hilton walked out and sat with them.

Hilton "Hoppy"

Geyser "What?"

Hilton "I'm Hoppy"

Deer "double what"

Hilton "I've been able to hear you this whole time"

Shadow "Woah"

Hawk "Cool!"

Fox "Not cool"

Hilton "What?"

Coyote"Don't you do it"

Hilton "Don't do what?"

Fox "That thing"

Coyote "Maybe she's not crazy anymore"

Hilton "Ohhh, I get it"

Deer "No"

Hilton "Don't dooo..."

"No!" All the animals said in unison

Hilton "Don't fracture the fourth wall?" She said looking at you "Maybe it's no wonder my friends call me crazy"

Shadow "Stop!"

Hilton "So what this didn't end how you all expected. But we're back together and alive, that's what you all wanted"

Geyser "NO!"

Hilton "Thanks for listening to this crazy drama filled story!" She smiled

Juliet"Bed time I said!" She yelled

Everyone separated, Geyser quickly did his business before going inside, Shadow following. Juliet laid Hilton down for bed, kissed his head and left.

Hilton "Who knows, maybe I'll come back in a different universe" he winked

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