Can't camp without problems

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Three weeks had passed and Kicken' was knocked out on the couch, he hadn't slept much. Bubba sat in the nursery and fed his daughter while his son slept calmly in the cradle. Bubba put Anna next to Allen and left for a second to get himself some water and check on Kicken'. He was washing a cup when he thought he heard something. He turned the water off and listened. He looked at the nursery when one of the babies started crying. He ran in and saw only Allen in the cradle and the window was broken. He ran to call the police. After they had come to look over Kicken' mom they said they couldn't find Hoppy's dad. He started talking to the cop on the other end and saw that there was some blood and a few pieces of glass so he ran to the kitchen and got gloves and plastic baggys so he could get evidence. He hung up and after the cop hung up we gently shook Kicken'.

Kicken' "Babbbbbe....."

Bubba "It's important.." his voice was teary

Kicken' woke up and hugged him. Bubba was trying to find the words.

Bubba "Anna is gone....." He started crying

Kicken'"Okay..... Wait what!? L- like dead...!?" His eyes pricked with tears

Bubba swallowed hard. Kicken' jumped up and Ran into the room. He picked up Allan and started crying. Bubba hugged him and Tried not to cry. Kicken' was bawling at this point. The cops knocked and Bubba answered. They looked at the evidence and Kicken' just held his baby close.

Bubba "We'll get her back..."

Kicken' "We don't know that....!"

Bubba "If I'm wrong you can do anything you want to me... If-"

Allen "Mmm.."

Kicken' "Mh....?"

Allen "Aaaah..."

Bubba "Mama..?"

Allen "Mmm...aaah..."

Kicken's eyes lit up a little, he was distracted now.

Allen "Maaaa... Maaa.. Mama.."

Kicken' "He spoke....!"

Bubba hugged them both, still upset but better. The cops took their evidence and left after a while.

•--Two Weeks Later--•

Someone knocked at the door. Bubba got up and opened it. It was Hoppy.

Bubba "H-"

Hoppy "Yeah, hi. I think this is yours." She said before and hanging him a roll of blanket

Bubba looked at it and ran to Kicken', not even bothering to close the door. Hoppy walked in and closed it. Kicken' screamed and took it.

Hoppy "Little bitch was on the side of the highway. I thought she was a dog."

Kicken' was crying happily in the other room. Bubba hugged Hoppy.

Bubba "You deserve it, whether you're mad at us or not..."

Hoppy "I don't have time to be mad at you... My dad is out to get all of you. He shot at Catnap's house yesterday. Lily is in surgery right this minute."

Bubba's heart sank knowing that someone would hurt a dog.

Hoppy "And the cops said the last time they saw him or something that looked like him was a monster..."

Kicken'"DogDay just texted me.. he wants to know if you wanna go camping"

Bubba "Sure but who's gonna watch the kids?"

Kicken' "His mom and Dad are gonna watch them.."

•--Two Days Later--•

Bubba finally finished setting up His and Kicken's tent. It was already getting dark and they were roasting hotdogs and marshmallows.

Kicken' "I have to pee... I'll be right back" he said standing up

Kicken' went a little deeper into the woods. He stopped when everything went quiet. He looked around before sitting down and making himself smaller. He heard a stick snap and he looked back.

(ignore my shitty little rushed drawing-)

Kicken's heart sped up and he panicked, he tried to breath carefully

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Kicken's heart sped up and he panicked, he tried to breath carefully. He took out his phone and texted DogDay. After a minute he heard gunshots, he thought telling DogDay to fire his gun would make it run but instead it went towards the sound. He texted DogDay again but it wouldn't go through. Kicken's heart skipped a few hundred beats. He had to pick between himself and his friends. As the monster got closer Kicken' jumped up and ran.

Kick"This way! Follow me!"

The monster started chasing him, faster than he expected. He screamed and ran faster. He realized he was coming up to a dead end. He figured he'd just figure it out and run around trees. He started panting, he hadn't run or gone outside as much since he had the kids. Kicken' tripped and fell face planting. He felt his beak crack at the fall, he got right up and started running again. Kicken' could feel that he'd sprained his ankle. The monster got closer and closer. Kicken' saw the end of the trail but he realized very quickly it wasn't just a dead end but a cliff. Kicken' tried to stop but he didn't stop in time. He fell for what felt like forever before hitting the water. He felt dizzy from the fall and hitting the water but he fought his way to the surface, gasping for Breath. Kicken' panicked more and more. He couldn't swim.


Bubba was growing worried after he heard him screaming. CatNap was watching the woods since the scream. CatNap's ears were moving in all kinds of directions as he listened. CatNap stood up and started running after a minute.

DogDay "CatN-"

CatNap just hissed before running off on all fours, he did that a lot in a panic. He'd get down and go full cat, it worked too, his legs were the same length as his arms. CatNap ran faster like this, and he did exactly that. He ran and ran, following Kicken's sent. He saw the monster looking down at the running river. CatNap jumped up on its back and before it could react CatNap already spotted Kicken' and launched off the monsters back and down. He curled up just before he hit the water, he came up and swam closer to Kicken'. Kicken' went under and Catnap followed. CatNap grabbed the back of Kicken's neck and pulled him out of the water. As he looked for a way out he realized they were headed straight for a waterfall.

CatNap "Mro-ow..." He whined

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