The End

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Two days had passed and everyone was sharing stories around the camp fire. Hoppy was on edge. Crafty blushed but gently Kissed Picky. Picky grinned and kissed Crafty aggressively. Dogday and Bubba laughed softly as they watched Picky get carried away, eventually down right making out with Crafty. Picky pulled away, a thick string of saliva connecting their mouths, Crafty's whole face was red. Dogday kissed Catnap gently.

Bubba "We should play a game"

Picky "Catnap! Truth or dare!"

Catnap "Mrow Mrow"

They'd played this alot before, everyone knew one meow was truth and two was dare.

Picky "I dare you to... Eat a burned marshmallow"

Catnap gasped, pissed at her 'suggestion'. He simply shook his head.

Picky "I suggest you climb a tree and jump off it?"

Catnap climbed as high as he could on the closet tree and jumped down. Picky sighed. Catnap looked at Dogday and meowed.

Dogday "Truth"

Catnap licked him and purred, Dogday sighed and kissed him.

Dogday "Of course I love you"

Dogday knew that's not what he said but he couldn't exactly answer that in front of the others.

Dogday "Bubba"

Bubba "Dare, I'm no push over" he said confidently

Dogday "Run into the woods at least 20 feet"

Bubba "... I'm a push over" he said confidently

Everyone laughed and Bubba stood before doing his dare. He disappeared into the woods and a few seconds later everything went quiet. Kicken' suddenly got nervous. Everyone listened for any sign of Bubba. After a few seconds they heard something.


CatNap's ears flattened at the blood boiling scream. Kicken' jumped up and ran the same way as Bubba. Hoppy followed, then she screamed. Dogday ran over and gasped. Kicken' fell to his knees and started to sob. Bubba was laying lifeless on the ground, he head crushed. Kicken' wiped his eyes before gently taking the pendant off of Bubba. Hoppy teared up and Dogday cried quietly at the sight of his friend. They went back to the others and told them what they'd seen. Crafty gasped and everyone questioned if they should keep playing. They decided not to and went to go to their tents. Kicken' just laid there, looking at the pendant. He finally got so sad he couldn't take it, he left his tent and walked into the woods. The second everything went quiet he thought about his kids, what about them? Kicken' turned around and got pinned on his back, He stared up at Hoppy's dad as he pressed harder on his chest. Kicken felt tears leave his eyes.

Kicken' "I'm sorry..."he barely managed

Kicken's last thought was his two little kids at the funeral of both of their parents. Kicken' could only manage to sigh in pain as his chest was crushed. His sight fading quickly. The last thing he saw was a creepy rabbit walking away.


Crafty yawned and looked at Picky. Picky looked back and smiled.

Crafty "I have to pee..." She whimpered

Picky "Are you telling me so I offer to come with you?"

Crafty nodded and they got up, going into the woods. Picky stayed on the opposite side of the tree, she spotted flowers and walked towards them. She picked one and walked back.

Picky "Done, babe?"

No one answered. Picky walked around the tree and froze at Crafty's body. Crafty had her head ripped off, and her spine followed in pursuit. Picky felt tears prick her eyes. She fell back against the tree and started to cry. She felt a sharp and sudden pain through her stomach, she looked down to long sharp claws piercing her belly. Picky felt them retract. She grasped for a breath of painful air, coughing up blood. After a few minutes of pain she weakly grabbed Crafty's hand, at least she'd died with the love of her life.


Hoppy was feeling uneasy. She held Bobby's hand, making Bobby yawn and rub her eyes. Hoppy kissed her and smiled. Bobby cuddled closer, seeing something outside the tent. Bobby shook Hoppy and pointed at the odd figure. Hoppy sat up and grabbed her gun. The figure started to unzip the tent. Hoppy shot, sending the figure running. Hoppy cuddled Bobby and Bobby yawned. Hoppy laid her back down and fell asleep next to her. Hoppy sighed, nervous. She yawned and let the night pass. Bobby jolted awake at a cracking sound, she looked around before seeing the figure again. Bobby grabbed Hoppy's hands and squeezed it. The figure tackled the tent, making it collapse. Bobby screamed and tried to get away but couldn't. The figure grabbed her throat and broke her neck. Hoppy was struggling against the tent, when she finally got out she looked at the figure. Hoppy tried to find her gun. The figure grabbed her and she fought back, kicking and screaming. The figure snapped her legs before throwing her at a tree. A crack was heard as she hit it. Hoppy growled weakly.

Happy "Fucking... Plot convenience..."she said before looking at you again

Hoppy looked back at the figure before blacking out. A bang was heard when Dogday started shooting at him. The figure ran past him, grabbing Catnap in the process.

Dogday "NO!!" Yelps

Catnap "Mmrrroow..!" He screamed in fear

Dogday changed them, running desperately. Dogday stopped at the edge of the cliff, staring at the figure as he held Catnap over the edge. The figure dropped Catnap and left, already knowing Dogday would do it. Dogday looked over the image and sobbed quietly as he watched Catnap tumble down. Dogday whimpered as CatNap's head, torso, back and face bashed off the rocks, blood getting everywhere before falling in the water. Dogday tears up and sits there, sobbing. Dogday wiped his eyes before jumping, he hit the water and didn't even fight to get to the surface. He let himself sink slowly. He grabbed Catnap when he got close enough and held him. Dogday felt his lungs start to burn. Dogday let himself breathe in the water, still holding onto Catnap until he died.

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