Two Hearts Of Gold

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Another week had passed and Catnap was asleep in the car. Dogday was bringing him home from the hospital. Juliet was in the back with her happy meal, she was oblivious to the twins in the car. DogDay was upset, but he knew it was outside their control. Dogday rubbed CatNap's ear and the kitty woke up. Catnap rubbed against his hand, Dogday scratched harder.

Catnap "Purrrrrrrrrrr~~"

Dogday smiled as his husband purred. Dogday kissed him. Dogday knew it was up to Catnap whether he got an abortion or not, but he couldn't help but wonder. Dogday realized he wasn't watching the road and looked back. Dogday slammed the brakes on at a red light, sighing when he heard Juliet's orange juice spill everywhere.

Juliet "Shit!"

Dogday "Hey! Watch your language! Where'd you learn that?"

Juliet"You, Daddy!"

Dogday "Oh... Well, damn"

Juliet"I kno fuck, bish, shit, damnit, co-"

Dogday "WOAH! who told you that one!?" He panicked

Juliet"Kicken' said that's what his species was when I asked him what it was"

Dogday "Where'd you hear it?"

Juliet"You said it to mommy a while back. I was supposed to be in bed, but I stayed up late. Don't tell him"

Dogday's face was red. Dogday sighed and kept driving. Catnap fell asleep again. Dogday looked in the mirror at his wet daughter, soaked in orange juice. Dogday pulled into the far lane and pulled into a rest stop. DogDay got out of the car and some different set of clothes for Juliet. Dogday started changing her and put her wet clothes to the side.

Dogday "Babe, you gotta use the bathroom?"

Catnap woke up and looked around before getting out and walked into the building.

Dogday "Gotta potty?"

Juliet "Yeah"

Dogday picked her up and brought her in. Juliet ran in and Dogday went to the vending machine.

DogDay "Bathroom huh?"

Catnap jumped and turned around. Dogday kissed him and helped him carry the snacks. Juliet came out and looked around. Catnap started waving when some creepy guy went over to her.

"You mom told me I should pick you up, I'm her friend-"

Juliet "My mom is a gay guy"

"I meant that. And he said-"

Juliet "Mommy doesn't speak. Go away bish" she hissed

Dogday came over and picked her up. Juliet cuddled to her dad's neck as they walked away. Juliet grinned and put up her middle finger, Dogday grabbed her hand.

Dogday "Not blind. Still rude"

Juliet put it down and Catnap took her, nuzzling her.

Juliet "Did I do good, Mommy?"

Catnap nodded before licking her head a few times. Juliet licked him back. Dogday sighed and rolled his eyes.

Dogday "Don't let her be completely Catnap like. Let her not be a cat"

Catnap "Mrrr.." he growled

Dogday kissed Catnap and then nuzzled Juliet, they got back on the road. After a while they got home and went inside. Juliet ran and tackled Lily, who was asleep. Lily woke up and looked up at the little Puppy cat using her ears like a rag doll. Lily wagged her tail, licking Juliet's face. Dogday was getting anxious. He didn't wanna straight up ask what they'd do with the two kids but he really wanted to know their plan of attack. Catnap cuddled to Dogday, purring. Dogday kissed the back of his neck, getting a whimper from him. Dogday bit and sucked on Catnap's neck, Catnap moaned quietly, trying to stay quiet around his little girl. Dogday kissed him hard on the lips, slipping his tongue in CatNap's mouth. Catnap and Dogday let their tongues dance together for a few minutes. Dogday pulled away and watched Catnap pant, his face red. Dogday kissed his head, tail wagging.

Catnap "Mrrr.....~ Mrah..~" he cuddled up to him

Juliet grabbed CatNap's tail. Catnap knew it was Juliet so he didn't mind. Juliet used her claws to climb up the purple fluffy rope and laid down in CatNap's stomach. Catnap purred and fell Asleep, Dogday kissed his head and stayed there. Dogday felt Lily climb up with them, petting her aggressively.

•--The Next Day--•

Dogday woke up when he heard a door slam. He got up carefully and knocked, he heard a struggled meow. Dogday walked in and his ears dropped. He sat with his husband and rubbed his back.

Dogday "Did you throw up..?"

Catnap "Mrrrah..." He groaned

Dogday felt him gag and started rubbing his back. Dogday took CatNap's pendant and washed it off. Dogday held back CatNap's ears as he threw up. Dogday cuddled him, starting to give him a whole massage. Catnap purred, calming down a little.

•--An hour Later--•

Catnap sipped his water, waiting for breakfast. Dogday was getting way too anxious. He knew it was CatNap's body, and he knew it was up to Catnap what to do with the Twins. Juliet was trouble enough during the day, they were lucky she was a good sleeper. but what would they do with twins? Dogday was so nervous he felt like he could explode. He realized he zoned out when he heard screaming, barking and a terrified Catnap. He snapped out of it and realized the pancakes were on fire. Dogday put them out, looking back at his family. Lily growled, Juliet whined and Catnap sat back down. Dogday made another one and served breakfast. Dogday took an extra and kneeled down, putting it on Lily's nose.

Dogday "Wait... Wait... Wait... Launch!"

Lily lunched the pancake up before jumping up and catching it. Dogday called her a good girl and sat down. Catnap gave him a look before Dogday Kissed him. Catnap blushed and started eating. Dogday ate slowly, Catnap did the same. Juliet just ripped her pancakes apart and stuffed her mouth.


The group was all together again. The three kids played and pranced. Hoppy was much better and back to running, but she still had to stay in doors with Bobby nearby. Dogday finally got thrown over the edge and broke.

Dogday "I can't take it anymore! Catnap what are you gonna do with these babies!? Are we gonna abort them, keep them or Adopt them out!?"

Catnap was shocked at his sudden outburst and looked down, he didn't know how to react. After a minute he wrote something down. Dogday read it and looked at him before hugging him.

Dogday "And I respect that..."

Bubba picked it up and read it.

Bubba "Every child deserves a parent but not every parent deserves a child. They didn't ask for this just as I didn't, it's not their fault. They deserve a chance and I'm willing to give it to them."

Dogday "And I'll treat them as my own..."

Picky "You two have such hearts of gold..."

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