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Two hours had passed and Bubba was waiting anxiously for DogDay to come out and tell him CatNap was okay. After a minute he knocked. DogDay opened it and waved him in, Catnap was laying there and grooming a little creature laying on him. Catnap saw Bubba and picked it up by its scruff, proudly presenting his achievement.

(Apparently my image was "unsafe")

Bubba "Woah.. good job, buddy..."

Bubba told DogDay how this was gonna have to work and gave him a shopping list. DogDay left and Catnap immediately peaked out of the closet, got up and  looked out the window.

CatNap "Mrrr..? Mrahhh....." He had a teary tone

Bubba "He'll be back" he promised

CatNap "Mraaaaw....." He hid in the closet and started crying

CatNap needed Comfort and Bubba knew that. Bubba sat down just outside the closet door, facing inside. CatNap hesitates but laid his head in Bubba's lap, watching the door from there. He kept his tail around the baby. CatNap flinched when Bubba touched his head, Bubba jerked back. Bubba slowly slid his hand onto CatNap's hand.

Bubba "You did good, Nappy..."

CatNap's ear flicked and the name and he started purring, a smile on his face. CatNap remembered when Bubba first used that name. DogDay wasn't in the friend group at the time.

Bubba "Nappy~"

CatNap blushed and pushed him away.

Hoppy "You two are so darn gay"

Picky "Just kiss already!"

Bubba "I'm not gay"

CatNap "I'm not Nappy"

Bubba "You are, Nappy"

Bubba smiled at the memories. Bubba decided to test his luck and run CatNap's ear.

CatNap"HISS!" He warned

Bubba immediately moved his hand away from the danger triangles. Bubba kept petting him, comforted by the purring.

Bubba "You're gonna be a great mom"

CatNap glared at him. CatNap's ears went up and we stood. DogDay walked in and Catnap ran over.

CatNap "Mraaaaw.."

DogDay sat and cuddled him, CatNap cuddled and purred loudly. DogDay made a bottle of milk and gave it to Catnap. CatNap took it and hid in the closet. DogDay smiled.

Bubba "If you need anything just call"

Bubba got up and went home. DogDay looked in the closet. CatNap had the bottle against his chest, the little one drinking it and Kneading CatNap's chest. DogDay listened closely behind CatNap's purring and heard the smallest purring from the baby.

DogDay "Can I hold them..?"

CatNap looked between DogDay and the baby before nodding slowly. DogDay gently picked the baby up.

DogDay "What is it?"

CatNap "Mrah..." He made a circle with his hands

DogDay "Girl?"

CatNap nodded. DogDay cringed at the thought that Catnap would be grooming her for the first year or two... Or three... DogDay looked at Catnap who was watching the baby close. DogDay sighed and gave her back. CatNap groomed her face.

"Meeeew..! Mew! Mew! Meeew!"

DogDay "Juliet?"

CatNap nodded. CatNap nodded and kept grooming her.

DogDay "Tell me you aren't cat enough to lick her privates until she pees..."

CatNap's jaw dropped and glared at him, looking disgusted.

DogDay "I'll take that as a no" he sighed in relief

CatNap picked Juliet up and put her in his lap and started grooming Dogday's thighs. DogDay blushed and pet him before giving Juliet back, CatNap started grooming her. DogDay laughed.

Juliet "Meeew..! Meeew..! Meeew..! Meeeew..!"

CatNap "Mrrr.." he purred against her soft fur

DogDay kissed CatNap, grabbing his face. CatNap's tail wagged lazily. DogDay wrapped around him, CatNap wrapped around him. After a few minutes they separated, a thick string of saliva connecting their mouth. Juliet started whining, Catnap almost immediately curled around her, licking her face. Juliet yawned, CatNap yawned after. DogDay picked them up and brought them to the bedroom. DogDay laid down on his side and laid CatNap down with him, putting Juliet in between them. DogDay yawned Again before falling asleep.


DogDay woke up and sat up, looking around. CatNap and Juliet were gone. DogDay went to look in the closet, sure enough, CatNap was asleep with his head by the dim lamp. DogDay smiled and looked at Juliet. DogDay went and made a bottle of milk and picked her up.

Juliet "Mmmeeeeew.."

DogDay "Shhh..." He said putting the bottle up to her mouth

Juliet just looked away and cried. DogDay walked to the closet and put Juliet back, he put the bottle at an angle against CatNap. Juliet started drinking and Kneaded CatNap's belly. CatNap yawned, looking at them. DogDay crawled in carefully and wrapped around CatNap. CatNap purred and fell asleep with him. DogDay kissed his head, CatNap purred. DogDay was worried that Catnap had already changed, he was worried he wouldn't be as playful, as Energetic.

•--7 weeks Later--•

CatNap was sleeping in the middle of the living room floor. Kicken' and Bubba were hanging out with them and letting the kids play. Allen looked at Catnap laying on his back with all his limbs spread out, very content kitty. Allen walked over and jumped on him, crushing his balls in the process. CatNap launched up with yelp, running behind DogDay.

Kicken' "Allen!" He got up and picked him up before scolding him

Anna and Juliet were rolling around and shoving each other. Kicken' put Allen down and checked on CatNap, who was already asleep again. Allen sat on the ground and frowned. CatNap yawned, waking up long enough to smell Dogday's scent. He looked at Allen and jumped down and licked his head before going to the girls and laying down.

Kicken' "I still don't understand why he acts like a fucking animal."

Bubba "It's how he copes with trauma"

Kicken' "Eh..."

Bubba "Just let him be him"

CatNap yawned, the girls were putting all kinds of things on him. CatNap laid down and let them go at him. They colored on him and put totos on his neck. Allen grabbed CatNap's ear and Kicken' jumped up, expecting him to swat. CatNap just flicked his ear, yawning. Kicken' sat down, confused but content. Allen held CatNap's ear and drew a smiley face on it. CatNap started purring when Allen walked over and started climbing on him, making the girls climb too.

Kicken' "How is that fair? They can touch him but we can't?"

Bubba "He's probably just more open, hes not gonna let them near other spots. Like pulling his tail is gonna get one of them kicked"

Right after that was said Anna fell backwards and grabbed CatNap's tail for support, yanking on it pretty hard...

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