Small Dark Spaces Make Happy Little Faces

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CatNap "Mrrr..."

DogDay started getting nervous.

CatNap "Mah..!" He got on his knees and Hugged DogDay, nodding into his neck

DogDay slipped the ring on and hugged him back. DogDay kissed CatNap, who purred in response. DogDay got a little too excited and Catnap pointed and giggled. DogDay covered his lap, tail wagging. CatNap cuddles him. DogDay took him home and started cooking. Catnap got bored and stood up, he wrapped around DogDay.

DogDay "Hey-"

CatNap "Mrrrr..."

Catnap bit his neck and dug his front teeth through his skin. DogDay whined but his tail was wagging. DogDay moaned after a while, Catnap just stayed there, tail flicking. DogDay realized he might be having some pray drive.

DogDay "Ohhh.. ow.." he said, pretending to fall and die

CatNap bit harder, taking a WHOLE chuck out of him.

DogDay "Ow!" He yelped

CatNap backed up. DogDay held the bleed hole. He grabbed CatNap's face by the mouth and tried to get his neck back.

DogDay "Did you swallow me!?" He yelped

CatNap yawned, nothing in his mouth. DogDay signed, he went to the bathroom and fixed himself up, CatNap followed, he bit the back of Dogday's leg. DogDay grabbed him and pushed him away.

DogDay "No! I understand you're hungry but you can't eat ME"

Catnap "Mrrrr....." He growls

CatNap bit his crotch. DogDay jumped and fell, he pushed CatNap. Catnap yawned and rested him mouth on Dogday's hand. DogDay backed up slowly and finished dinner. He served it up and watched Catnap down it. DogDay got up and bit Catnap's neck, just hard enough to get a meow. CatNap backed up.

DogDay "Don't worry, just eat an apple. I promise, an apple a day keeps the doctor away"

CatNap panicked and ran to find an apple. DogDay got a bad feeling. CatNap came back, eating an apple. DogDay kissed him and stole his bite right from his mouth. CatNap glared at him, he was gonna get revenge.

•--Next Day--•

DogDay had just finished making cookies and went to the bathroom. He had a fan at them to cool them faster. CatNap peaked at the cookies before walking into the kitchen. Catnap ate all of the cookies and then got a glass of milk. DogDay walked back and his jaw dropped.

DogDay "Catnap... Did you... Eat ALL of the cookies..?" He sounded worried

CatNap nodded.

DogDay "Oh my God..." He covered his face


DogDay "Bubba suggested making Catnip cookies so you could calm down for once and not be all tense... You weren't supposed to eat all of them."

CatNap "Mha?" He questioned

DogDay repeated himself. CatNap blinked slowly before staring into the distance. Someone knocked and Dogday opened the door.

DogDay "Hey, Bubba..."

Bubba "You alright?"

DogDay "How much Catnip is too much?"


Bubba "... Why..?"

DogDay ran to the sound. CatNap was standing over a broken photo. His ears were flat back and he ran off.

Bubba "Too much Catnip"

•--Two Hours Of Pure Chaos Later--•

CatNap laying on the couch and purring, looking out the window and drifting off to sleep. DogDay yawned before continuing to talk to Bubba.

Bubba "He's a little chubby..."

DogDay"I know... But I still love him..."

Bubba "I mean, I'm glad he isn't skin and bones anymore! That's great! But..."

DogDay"I know..."

Bubba looked at the cat some more. He touched CatNap's belly to feel for anything. CatNap's eyes flew open and he scratched Bubba and kissed before running to hide under Dogday's chair.

•--A Week Later--•

DogDay took a sip of his alcohol, they'd just finished eating a fancy meal at home. Catnap was the one who insisted on alcohol though. CatNap had chugged the whole thing before throwing up. DogDay growled and picked him up, he brought him to their bedroom and brought him into the bathroom. DogDay sat CatNap in the watching machine and took his shirt off. DogDay started to take CatNap's pants off when he swung at him. DogDay ducked.

DogDay "What the fuck."

CatNap quickly wrote something down and shoved it in his face. DogDay growls and reads the letter before his expression softened.

 DogDay growls and reads the letter before his expression softened

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DogDay "Yes, I know you have a boyfriend..."

CatNap just face planted into his chest, taking a deep breath of vanilla. DogDay got him undressed and ran a bath. He knew Catnap was totally chill with water as long as it wasn't a shower and wasn't above his nipples. He had trauma from several things involving being in water above his limits now. DogDay lowered him in carefully. He wet a wash cloth and got a softening shampoo on it. He gently washed CatNap, being careful around every spot only he could touch. CatNap didn't let DogDay near certain spots, like his ears, tail, hips, neck or stomach. DogDay was washing CatNap's chest when Catnap leaned it to kiss him. DogDay kissed him and nuzzled his head, CatNap started purring. DogDay drained the water and grabbed CatNap's towel. He wrapped CatNap in the towel and picked him up. CatNap yawned. DogDay kissed his head. He looked at his hand, covered in blood. DogDay looked for the source, it was CatNap. DogDay looked and panicked, running to the phone and Calling Bubba. He was scared he'd have to call an ambulance after promising no doctors if he ate healthy.
Bubba came in and looked around.

Bubba "Run a bath, out him in. Get ready for alot of blood"

DogDay "What?"

Bubba "Do it"

DogDay turned around and CatNap was gone. Bubba told him to look in any dark tight spots. They searched the whole house. They sat on the couch and thought.

DogDay "We looked everywhere....." He sobbed

Something behind them made a sound. DogDay looked behind the couch and saw glowing eyes looking back at him.

DogDay "Found him!"

Bubba "Okay, help me make a nest in the closet"

They got to work and Dogday temped CatNap out of his hidey hole. He sniffed around the small closet. DogDay closed the door to a crack. Bubba sat on the opposite side.

Bubba "Ya have no clue do ya?"

DogDay"Not at all..."

Bubba "He might want you in there with him."

DogDay "Should I come in..?"

CatNap "Mraaaaw..."

DogDay "What's going on..?" He said getting ready to go in

Bubba "Congratulations, Father to be"

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