Chapter 2

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Elowynns POV
I know people say you're not supposed to take things from strangers but its not like i ever had parents to teach me that so yolo. However i wont be rude and order the whole menu i was just joking.

I scan the menu looking for the cheapest item "Ill take the fruit pot please" I smile at the waiter.

I sense the man looking at me so i turn to look at him and im met with a disapproving face "what?" i ask he then says "What happened to ordering the whole menu? And if not the whole menu why did you pick the cheapest thing on the menu i told you its okay you can have whatever you want"

I scan the menu once more and i decide to add a croissant to the order. "And a croissant please"

"You don't want a meal? really? you want a fruit pot and a croissant?" Questioned Julian.

"I don't eat much" I state simply.

suddenly the youngest of the boys says "Make that two" and all the boys begin bickering saying things like "you're so greedy" "fatty" "you're always hungry" "you just ate" It makes me laugh but i contain my laughter and just have an amused look on my face. They see this and smile at me.

The food arrives i have my croissant and fruit pot and the youngest of the boys has his croissant, we begin to eat. "What's your name, kid?" the eldest man questions.

I look at him skeptically "Stranger danger" i state simply and go back to eating my delicious fruit pot, for the 3rd time today im met with the *father* look, it's hard to refuse it. "Elowynn." I state blankly.

"That's a unique name, kid" Julian says.

"What was the point in me telling you my name if you're still going to address me as kid? and fyi im not a kid im 17 i almost debut into adulthood" I then continue eating my fruit pot starting to feel full even though i have a whole croissant left to eat.

"That's very young, you're still a kid to me." Julian says.

"What are you 100, old man"  I retort.

I then here him mumble something it sounded like *if only you knew* "Anyways my name is Julian and these are my sons, Jasper, Odin, Eli and Leo" He says pointing at each of the boys. I simply nod it's not as if i asked. I finish off my fruit and take a couple bites of the croissant and set it down.

"Well this was nice thank you for being so generous but i must go" I say wanting to get out of the awkward situation.

He looks at me funny and asks "You're not going to finish that?"

"Ahh, im full, sorry for wasting it, oh actually Im sure Leo will eat it after hearing their bickering about him being a pig" I joke.

This makes the brothers laugh including Leo, Julian holds in a laugh.

"Do you live far from here, I can give you a ride?"Julian suddenly asks.

"I wasn't even supposed to accept food from strangers i'm definitely not taking a ride from a stranger, but thank you and if i ever become rich I'll pay you back!!" I say as i stand up i look at them all one last time they almost look... sad...but i wave and i exit the building.

Julian POV
We watch Elowynn exit, Elowynn.. shes perfect. I turn to my sons, I know they're thinking the same thing. She's adorable, funny and cheeky she has traits of each of the boys and she's 17 the perfect age to turn into a vampire.

"Come on then, if we want to take her in we need to see who to eliminate" I say to the boys.

Of course we cant have anyone missing her when she's gone or the police will catch up, realistically we could pay them off but it'd cause complications within the peace contract between humans and vampires. My boys nod eagerly and we hastily get up and head to the car.

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