Chapter 8

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We arrive at what looks like a cave. We had to walk through the massive garden, more like field to get here.

I look at Julian strangely wondering what we are doing here, he doesn't say anything.

He moves the large rock that blocks the entrance of the cave and suddenly two wild animals start running at me, I scream out of fear.

"Sit!" Jasper commands. Surprisingly they listen. Upon further inspection they're actually werewolves.

"Are you going to feed me to the wolves because i tried to run away?" I ask Julian fearfully.

"Not yet." He replies. This scares me.

The wolves are terrifying, I subconsciously get closer to Julian snd try to hide behind him. "That one is brazer and that one is max" he suddenly says. Not that i care, i plan to stay as far away from these animals as possible.

"Come!" He commands to the dogs and they start advancing towards us.

I scream and jump on and cling to Julian out of fear. "Get away! Get away!" I cry.

Julian looks at me amused.

"Its not funny!" I yell offended.

" they won't bite you.....yet." He jokes. My heart drops.

"Sit! Wait!" He commands. He then walks in to the cave whilst im still clinging to him. "Are you going to cling to me forever? Not that it's an issue for me in fact I enjoy it." Julian says.

At this i jump off and scan the cave.

He walks over to a shelf and grabs two metal bowls, a couple other things and walks over to the bench in the cave. I just follow him.

He then says "they get fed twice a day, they each get a cup of kibble, half a tin of wet food and a couple of bones." I look at him confused. Why is he telling me this.

He see's my confusion and says " You thought you got away with no punishment? You will be in charge of feeding brazer and max for the next two weeks."

"WHAT!?" My heart drops. I have to feed these feral animals?? "They'll eat me!!"

"They don't eat people unless I command them to, so i suggest you listen to me in the future." Julian says sternly.

"I seriously can't feed them they're twice my size." I exclaim.

"They're friendly giants, this is their morning feed, you will be in charge from now on, your first feed will be in the afternoon." Julian says calmly.

This is so unfair maybe i could just lie and say i fed them and then they'll die of starvation, problem solved.

"They know how to move this rock. If they for some reason aren't fed a hungry wolf's favourite meal is little girls." Julian must've caught on to what i was thinking.

My eyes go wide. I really can't get out of this.

"Can't I do something else?" I plead.

"No." He says simply.

He then places the food bowls down and calls the dogs over. They eat it viciously i stand there frightened imagining it was me they were eating. This scares me.

"Don't worry little bat I wouldn't let my daughter get eaten or hurt. The wolves only escape and eat little girls when they're hungry, which they won't be because you'll feed them." He explains.

The wolves have finished eating now, they advance towards me, once again i run and cling on to Julian. He exits the cave and covers the exit. I jump down. I glare at him and huff.
He just looks at me amused. Im glad he finds it funny. (Note the sarcasm.)

I'd been sat on the kitchen counter for about 30 minutes now. Odin had managed to force me into baking cookies with him, however he won't even let me do anything he says it's too dangerous and he only lets me mix. I decide it's not worth an argument and I just mix when he asks.

Now were rolling the cookies into balls and placing them on a baking tray, suddenly Odin has a mischievous glint on his face and he bends down to whisper in my ear. "Wanna prank the others?" 

I look at him curiously wondering what his idea is. "Lets add chili flakes into their cookies" he says.

"Won't they get mad at us?" I ask not wanting to get on the even worse side of Julian and Jasper.

"Yes but that's the point" Odin says.

"No, I already go in trouble earlier." I say.

"I'll take the blame, pleaseeeeee" he gives me puppy eyes.

"Fine, but don't get me in trouble." I warn.

The cookies had finally baked. Odin took them out of the oven and placed them on the plate that is in the middle of the table. I had a bad feeling about this but its too late now anyways.

"Everyone come get a cookie me and Winnie baked them!" Odin announces. As i was about to question him on the nickname everyone enters the kitchen.

Jeez they really are pigs especially Leo, they all grabbed a cookie as quickly as i could blink and dug in.

Oh god.

Suddenly Leo shouts and pants "why are they spicy?" As he runs to the fridge pouring a glass of milk. Everyone follows and theyre all drinking milk and asking why they're spicy. Odin is laughing so much, i cant lie it is kind of funny but i contain my laughter. They all have angry looks and Odin says "It wasn't my idea it was Elowynn's"

I look at him betrayed and i glare at him. How could he.

"No it wasn't I said I didnt want to go through with the prank and he peer pressured me" i plead.

Odin is laughing and denying it, I start hitting him out of annoyance, it doesn't do much but it gets my anger out. He's a jerk. I hate him.

Suddenly Im picked up off the ground, I yelp out of fear. It is Eli that picked me up, I havent interacted with him yet so i get frightened. "What are you doing?" I ask wearily.

"Teaching you a lesson." He says as he starts walking out of the kitchen. My heart drops, is he going to feed me to the wolves? I knew this wasnt a good idea. "NO IM SORRY IT WASN'T ME SERIOUSLY IT WAS ODIN" He ignores my pleas and carries on walking i continue apologising. 

We suddenly end up in the living room and he tosses me gently on the sofa. I'm confused i thought he was going to feed me to the dogs? Is he going to kill me himself??

He takes slow steps towards me with a menacing smile. I look at him scared saying sorry one more time. It's no use, he reaches his hands out to me.

I brace for impact, but it doesnt come.

Instead he starts tickling me. I begin laughing uncontrollably "stop! Stop!" He keeps going, its been about 2 minutes now. "Stop!" I yell louder still laughing.

"I'll stop if you answer this question correctly, who is your favourite brother?" Deep down i wanted to say none of them, im still not happy and i dont want to be here. But i know the right answer in order for him to stop tickling me. "You! You are!" I answer quickly and he stops tickling me.

I catch my breath and look at him angrily. "What? We're even now." I look around and see everyone is here watching the scene. The brothers have a fake hurt look on their face probably because i said eli is my favourite. I glare at Odin. And he shrugs "Sorry Winnie but if they knew it was me I'd get beat up! I knew they wouldn't hurt you so i said it was u!!"

All of the brothers look at him angrily. I laugh at the scene, i almost forget ive been kidnapped it just feels like a normal family. This suddenly gives me a wave of sadness.

I get up from the sofa, Julian grabs my wrist and asks where i'm going. "I want to go to my- the room I have been residing in." I almost said my room... tch.

"Okay" he holds my wrist and suddenly we poof into the bedroom. I look at him confused. "Vampire powers." Is all he says as he walks out of the room and shuts the door behind him.

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