Chapter 20

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We arrive home, Julian parks the car, we get out and walk into the manor.

As soon as we walk into the manor we hear chaos coming from the living room, it almost sounds like screaming and shrieks of fear. Julian and I turn and look at each other, then of course we head to where the noise is coming from.

We enter the living room and see Jasper, Odin and Eli all laughing at a floating shrieking Leo. Upon further inspection it looks like Jasper is making Leo float with his powers and the other two are occasionally spinning him around with their powers. Poor Leo is just shrieking from fear. Is this the cost of being the youngest.....

Julian clears his throat. The three eldest boys turn and look at Julian in fear. Jasper quickly sets Leo down on the sofa.

"Heyyyyyy dad." Odin says with a sheepish look.

Julian walks over to his youngest son and hugs him asking if he is alright, once Leo says he is ok Julian walks over to the older boys with a disapproving look.

"What did I say about throwing your brother around?" He scolds.

Finally it's not me getting in trouble, I can't help but let out a little laugh at the sight of them getting in trouble. The grin is quickly wiped off my face once Eli looks at me with a stare that says I will be next to be thrown around.

Leo and I have been sitting on the sofa for a while just talking about anything and everything, turns out we have a lot in common. He talks a lot though.

"So, who's your favourite brother?" Leo asks.

"Well I don't think Eli and Jasper are too fond of me and Odin is slightly more annoying than you so probably you" I answer truthfully.

Leo looks at me funny and then bursts out laughing. I look at him questioningly, silently asking him what's funny. "Pfft you think Eli and Jasper don't like you??? You're their favourite, actually I think you're everyone's favourite. They were always distant that's just how they are, they still love us all. Since you've been around though they've changed, they've become a little less distant, we all have." Leo explains.

I look at him kind of like I don't believe him.

"You literally have everyone wrapped around your finger, I guarantee you they'd say yes to anything you ask them. Hey let's go ask them to watch Moana with us, usually they'd decline they say it's a girly movie but if you ask they'll agree." Leo suggests.

That's how I found myself stood outside of Jasper's bedroom door, I can't lie I am a bit scared incase he starts making me float in the air like Leo... but I take a deep breath and push the door open.

Jasper is sat at his desk with his back to the door "Leo for the last time I don't want to make kids cry on roblox with you"- He complains as he turns around, he stops his sentence when he sees it's not Leo, It's me. Once he realises it's me his expression changes and his eyes soften slightly.

"Um do you want to come and watch Moana with us?" I ask. Jasper instantly nods and gets up and makes his way towards the living room. Well that was easy???

I'm now stood outside of Eli's door, this one might be harder. I push open his door and once again I get mistaken for someone else "I told you to knock Odin piss off." Eli says grumpily. Jeez Leo and Odin must be more annoying than i thought ....

Eli then sees it's me and says "oh" I smile sheepishly and I once again ask "Do you want to come and watch Moana with us?"

"No that's for girls" Eli responds.

I turn away with a sad look and say "oh okay.." as im about to walk out
Eli then grumbles and says "ugh fine."
Damn Leo was right they really did agree.

Now we're all sat on the sofa with a blanket over all of us and 30 minutes into the movie, Odin agreed instantly of course. I'm sat in between Eli and Jasper, they both said It's only fair I sit next to them as I forced them to watch it. As much as they won't admit it I think Jasper and Eli are actually getting into it.

I start to feel tired, who knew eating your body weight in ice cream is so tiring. My eyes droop and so does my head, my head drooping wakes me up but then it keeps repeating. Eventually Eli gently pulls my head to rest on his shoulder, i'm too tired to say anything and I just fall asleep.

Eli's POV
When Elowynn entered my room I thought it was Odin being annoying again. She asked me if i wanted to watch Moana with her, at first I said no because it's a girly movie but then I saw her sad face and I couldn't decline. Is this what it means to have a sister. To be honest it's worth it, she's so cute i'd watch Moana 100 times if that made her happy.

We're 30 minutes into the movie and I see Elowynn repeatedly falling asleep and waking up, It's quite a funny sight. Eventually I feel bad and I let her rest her head on my shoulder, i'm definitely going to be her favourite brother. I turn to look at the rest of my siblings while being careful not to wake her up and I stick my tongue out at them, I know they're jealous. I would be too. Despite Elowynn being asleep we still finish the movie, don't mention this to anyone.

Papa shouted us for dinner, Elowynn is still asleep. All the brothers head to the kitchen whilst i wake her up. I gently shake her "Elowynn." I say softly trying not to startle her. "Its dinner time." I say. She still doesn't wake up. I try again "Ellie wake up" this time she wakes up. She looks so adorable when she just wakes up, like a confused puppy. I just want to squeeze her until her head explodes. :)

Elowynn's POV
"Ellie wake up" I hear Eli say softly, it almost doesn't sound like him firstly because of his tone but also he's never called me Ellie before. I slowly open my eyes and remember that i fell asleep on Eli. How embarrassing.

I sit up and turn to Eli with a sheepish look. "Sorry." I apologise for sleeping on him.

"Yea, you better be" Eli says trying to be serious, but I know he doesn't mean it.

"Whatever LiLi." I say with a cheeky grin as I run away to the dining table.

I hear a grumble and a "don't call me that." In the distance.

loooooooool loser.

Anyways i'm now sat at the dining table, i'm still full after all that ice cream. As always Jasper places my plate in front of me, it's stir fry. "Julian, i'm not hungry after eating all that ice cream" He nods understandingly. "Just drink the milk shake, dear." He says and I nod. I open the milkshake and drink it, i sit at the table waiting for everyone to be finished.

Once we're finished everyone goes to their rooms and I go to Leo's with him to hang out some more. We were watching funny videos on vamptok and laughing uncontrollably until Julian came and ruined the fun telling me it's time for blood and to go to bed. I don't argue as I know it's for the best, after all it's the first day of school tomorrow. I say bye to Leo and head to my room, Julian is sat on my bed waiting for me. I do my nightly routine (Literally just changing into pyjamas and washing my face), and I get into bed next to Julian.

Julian bites his arm and the crimson liquid spills, I keep telling myself i'm a vampire now, I need blood. He moves his arm so it's in front of my mouth, just like last time my body takes control over my mind. It tastes just as good, maybe even better than before and I don't feel guilty or grossed out this time. I'm a vampire.

It's been about 5 minutes now, I unlatch from his arm now that my thirst has been quenched. His arm heals magically, I didn't notice that before. Julian places my blanket over me, strokes my hair and says "goodnight, baby bat." before turning my light off and exiting the room.

Before falling asleep I think about the day, honestly today was super fun. I think I'm starting to like it here...

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