Chapter 12

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About 4 hours later, its the middle of the night. I awaken. I scan the room and realise that everyone else is asleep. All the boys sleeping in awkward positions on chairs and Julian must've fallen asleep when he held me earlier.

Something catches my eye. Julian's wallet. I see it left on the chair he was sitting on. His ID will be in there. This is perfect, They're all asleep, we're in a hospital so the doors wont he locked AND his ID is right in my grasp.

Now is my chance.

I carefully and quietly remove the covers from me and exit the bed making sure not to wake Julian in the process.

I tiptoe over to the chair making practically no noise. Carefully picking up the wallet I slide the ID out of it and place it back on the chair. Step one complete.

I look around the room one last time, this is it, i'm free. My heart kind of feels heavy thinking about leaving, I hate myself for this. However, I know I shouldn't blame myself completely. People always want what they can't or don't have. I've never had a family of course I'd crave one.

Looking at all the boys sleeping in awkward positions just to stay with me makes me want to smile. I'd smile if it wasn't under such horrible circumstances.

I slowly slip out of the door of my hospital room, and i run, i run as fast as i can and i don't look back. Nurses and patients give me questioning looks but I don't care. All I think about right now is freedom, all I think about is the ID which is grasped in my hands.

I Realise I don't actually know where I'm going. Right now I'm on a not so busy street, i see an elderly woman sat on a bench near by. I decide to go up to her and ask her for directions.

"Excuse me miss, do you know the directions to the human realm portal?" I ask her politely.

She looks at me shocked as she scans me. "Aren't you young? Where is your guardian, little bat?" She asks.

I think fast and say "Um, i have a health condition which stunts my height haha, I'm 1000. Please could you tell me the directions? Im in a hurry."

She looks at my mouth as i'm talking. Does she wanna kiss me or something? I mean damn she has nice lips too but- "Your fangs haven't grown in" she suddenly says. So she doesn't wanna kiss me. "You can only be young, you're trying to run away aren't you? Listen dear it won't work, we all go through it, you'll eventually love your new life. Now come here let me teleport you back."  She says sweetly.

"No! No! You're all freaks! I'm not staying here. I'll find the portal myself." I exclaim. I'm losing my shit. I run fast, it was easy to get away from her she's old.

Ive been running for a while now, I was on a main road and now i'm somehow in a field. I finally stop for a bit to take a breather. I look around to see if theres any people around or buildings. There's nothing, just grass and I don't even know which direction I came from.

Im lost.

I sigh and sit on the cool green blades. This is stupid. I finally got the ID and a chance to escape and I can't even do that right.

My stomach is in agony as well.

I decide to get up and continue walking.

It'd be about 2 hours now. I'm losing hope and sanity.

During this walk i've been thinking about life about everything that has lead up to this moment.

Let's say I do make it out of here and back to the human realm, firstly I cant change back into a human and secondly there's nothing there for me anyway, I'm an orphan I had no friends just enemies, no money. What am I running back to? A life of discomfort? But I can't possibly stay here, they don't care for me it's all a facade.

I sit back down on the grass and hold my head in my hands this is all too stressful. They seemed to care, Julian said he loved me that they ALL loved me, They seemed more concerned I was about to hurt myself than escape when i jumped from the window, when i woke up in hospital Leo literally had a tear stained face and Jasper gave me flowers. Eli was always gentle with me even though he isn't so gentle with the rest of the brothers and Odin, well he's Odin. I think back to the moments I've had with each of them, how Julian held me when i cried how they always made sure i was ok. I didn't even realise i was crying until a felt a tear drip down my arm.

The waterfalls begin for the second time. I cry and cry and cry. I want so bad to be held by Julian right now even if it's fake love, it's more than I have or have ever had back home.

I want to stay.

There's nothing for me back there nothing to live for however atleast here there is something to live for something for me, family. But I was ungrateful and ran away, i'm lost now, I can't possible get back.

I cry out of frustration when a thought suddenly came to my head. I remember when Jasper made the high pitch voice Julian poofed out of thin air, maybe it will work for me? It takes me a couple tries but eventually it sounds like Jasper's I wait a couple seconds and lose hope, tch how could I be so stupid of course he won't- "Elowynn Reyes, you are in so much trouble." Julian stands there looking at me disapprovingly, the fatherly stern look, the one i grew used to, honestly right now it makes me smile. I laugh. "This isnt a laughing matter young lady!" I keep laughing until it eventually turns into cries, jeez i look like an insane person right now.

I run over to Julian and I hug him tightly. He seems taken aback but hugs me back immediately.  And for the 20th time today, I cry. But this is my hardest cry. He lets me. We have been stood here , me crying , him holding me for about 30 minutes.

Eventually my cries die down. "I believe we have a lot to talk about, baby bat."

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