Chapter 13

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We arrive back in the hospital room Im sat on the bed with Julian next to me. He tells the boys to give us space and they leave begrudgingly after plenty protests.

"Elowynn." He says raising an eyebrow waiting for me to explain myself.

I decide to try and get out of this awkward situation. I slowly lean my head back on the head rest of the bed and close my eyes pretending to be asleep.

"Elowynn." He repeats. I realise I won't get out of it.

I sigh, open my eyes and think for a minute collecting all my thoughts and then i begin. "I've never had a family, anyone to care about me. I always thought I was unloveable if my own parents didn't love me. so to believe a bunch of strangers truly love me as their own is impossible. I grew angry I grew hatred towards you all, towards the world for taunting me with a family like this, i wanted it badly, but i thought it wasnt for me. I planned to gain your trust and run away, which I did. But deep down i knew i sort of wanted to stay here, play pretend house and act like everything was normal. I ran anyways, I stole your ID and ran, however I got lost. During the time i was lost I did some thinking. I realised that even if i managed to get back to the human realm id never be human again and theres nothing for me there anyways. I realised that this is actually probably the best thing to have happened to me in my life, despite not asking for it. I realised all I wanted in that moment was you, for you to hold me whilst i cried, like a father would. I missed you guys. I think what i'm trying to say is, I want to stay. It may take some time for me to adjust to having people around me who want to care for me as im not used to it but.. i'll try." I end my speech there.

I look up at Julian and see he has tears in his eyes. Mr tough vampire man has tears in his eyes. He hugs me tightly and says "That's all I wanted."

I stare at him as I have a thought. "Are you sure you know what you signed up for?" I ask him. He raises a brow at this.

"What if I become clingy?" I ask

"None of us mind, in fact it would be cute." He replies

"What if you eventually find me annoying?"

"You couldn't possible be more annoying than Odin, and I'd still love you just like I do Odin."

"What if I become troublesome?"

"All the boys have been through their troublesome phases, some are still in theirs. You'll learn. I made you feed the dogs when you tried to Jump out of the window remember? You haven't done it again since."

I feel my cheeks heat up from embarrassment.

It'd been a couple hours now since the whole event happened. I'm currently laying on the bed being examined by a doctor. Every time i wince in pain or make a slight face indicating im experiencing discomfort Julian glares daggers at the doctor.

The poor man is scared shitless but it is kind of funny. "Stop glaring at the doctor you're scaring him" I say at Julian.

He simply shakes his head and i roll my eyes. After my examination he said I can go home today however I need to take it easy.

"Regarding her nutrition plan-" the doctor starts and i look at him and Julian confused "You are very small for your age, concerningly so. Which is why I wanted you to eat more, but clearly that didn't work. So the doctor formed a plan for you." Julians says.

I nod begrudgingly, I don't need a plan i'm fine. "So regarding her nutrition plan, she needs to be eating 3 meals a day with 3 snacks in between. Start off with giving her the portions she can eat and slowly increase the portions within time. I have prescribed her some protein shakes these are to be drunk with every meal and they can be drunk as one of her snacks in between."

"I will schedule a check up for 1 months time, if she does not put on any weight within this period things will have to escalate."
Julian nods.

Ugh this sucks.

The doctor then leaves the room.

I'm currently sat on Jasper's lap in the car, believe me I wish I wasn't. Reasoning number 1 is there was only enough seats for the boys and they didn't have time to upgrade the car before I came.

Reasoning number 2 Jasper doesn't trust the seatbelts and feels as though i'd be safer on his lap, stupid i know.

After being here for 2 weeks i've learnt that Jasper is the most overprotective one, they all are but Jasper is to an extreme.

We arrive home. Home. This is home now. It feels strange to call it that, but i'll get used to it. Will i? Will i ever actually see this place as home? Will i ever actually see the boys as my brothers? Will i ever actually see Julian as... my father?

It's weird. Back in the orphanage I used to wish for an older brother. An older brother to beat up my bullies for me, just like i'd seen on tv and read in books. Now i potentially have 4.

Julian insisted on carrying me inside the house as im supposed to be resting and not walking, hey it's a free ride.

He carries me to his office and sets me down on the chair as he sits on the other side. I don't have good memories of this place and so I get a little scared.

"You aren't in trouble, since you've settled in a little more we have some things to discuss, little bat." I nod waiting for him to continue.

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