Chapter 15

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What the heck 400 reads in like 2 weeks?? Thanks !! I appreciate the votes as well guys. Also stop being silent readers, I see you 👁️👁️

It's the next day now since I decided to stay willingly I've been allowed more freedom cause they're not scared i'm going to run away. I'm currently sat at the dining table in the space I always am waiting for breakfast to be served.

"We will be going shopping today." Julian announces.

I look at him excitedly I love shopping and this is the first time i'm going to be allowed out of the manor. All the brothers groan and complain, they're so dramatic.

"Elowynn needs some clothes she can't keep wearing your guy's clothes that literally swallow her up. Plus you all need some things for school."  Julian says.

Ugh school I forgot about that, I'm dreading it. I can't believe I have to go through 1000 years of school when I was just about to finish back in the human realm. "When does school start?" I ask Julian unhappily. He checks his phone and states "On monday, and today is friday." "Monday??!!! thats so soon" I exclaim. "Jeez you could've warned me earlier."

"I knew you'd freak out about it, if i told you sooner you'd have to be anxious for longer." He says.

Dang he is right.

The maids and butlers come out with the most delicious looking breakfast. There's various pastries, fruits and breads. A carton of what looks like strawberry milk is placed in front of me, but no one else has one? They all have orange juice. Julian sees my confusion and informs me that it's the protein shakes. Ahh...I internally roll my eyes, they're so dramatic.

I open up the strawberry milk and take a sip it's actually really nice maybe this isn't so bad. I then reach for a croissant, but as always Jasper places my plate in front of me. It has a croissant and some strawberries on it how'd he know? "How'd you know I was going to pick this?" I ask. "You ordered a croissant at the cafe and just now you seemed to enjoy the strawberry milk." He says nonchalantly. Anyways I drink the milk eat the strawberries and take 2 bites of the croissant, The protein shake is very filling.

It's later on now, Julian told us to get ready to go. Ive been wearing Leo's clothes since he is the closest in size, although his clothes are really big still. However, personally I think Eli has the best style so I decided to steal one of his hoodies this time.

That's how i ended up in Eli's closet. I look through his hoodies and find a dark sage coloured one, it's so cool. Listen if i've been kept here against my own will i'm gonna take advantage of the 5 closets in this house. I put the hoodie on and make my way back to my room. I put my long curly hair into a bun, maybe at the shops i'll be able to get some products. It's desperately in need of a brush and some moisture. Then i have a thought, Odin has hair like mine near enough i'm sure he has products.

I head over to Odin's room and knock on the door. "Winnie!!!" Odin says as he opens the door.

"Give me hair products I know you have some." I demand from him.

He looks at me mischievously and says "whats the magic word Winnie poo"

I look at him dead pan "Can you stop calling me that, i'm not a yellow bear that's obsessed with honey." I say annoyed.

He says "Uh uh that's not the magic word".

I huff in annoyance he sure knows how to annoy me. "please." I say.

He then says "No."

"But i said please!!!" I say angrily

"My hair products are my babies you have too much hair and you'll use too much" he says.

"but i need them, look at my rats nest." I complain.

"Fine, you can only use them if you let me do your hair." He says with a smirk.

"You know how to do hair?" I ask surprised.

"I've watched a few vamptube tutorials in preparation, I always wanted to practice on my sister." He answers.

I decide to let him do my hair, it cant be that bad plus i'll get my own products later today.

He grins and says "perfect" as he ushers me into his room and makes me sit at his desk. little did i know i made a mistake.

"It's so ugly Odin I hate it" I exclaim Odin thought it'd be a good idea to put pigtails in my hair.

"No it isn't you look sooooo adorable Winnie" he coos.

"I look 5. I'm taking it out" i state.

"Nuhuh if you take it out then.." he thinks for a minute "Then i'll tell papa you tried to escape again" he threatens.

I look at him. "That's evil and unfair" i shout.

"Don't take it out then" he shrugs.

I don't think he'll actually do it so i reach for my head and then he shouts "PAPA" and i look at him angrily as i stop what im doing. Julian enters the room and says "Yes, Odin?"I look at him warning him not to say it.

He says "Look at Elowynn's hair, isn't it cute?" Julian examines my hair and he smiles. "Yes she looks adorable, even with that grumpy face." I glare at Julian. I once again reach to my hair to take it out but Odin gives me a warning glance. I've only just gotten out of feeding the dogs i don't want to have to do it again so I just huff and leave it.

I'll get him back.

We're downstairs waiting for Eli, apparently he always takes the longest to get ready. It makes sense considering his taste in fashion he must take it seriously. He comes downstairs whilst saying "has anyone seen my green hoo-" and then he spots me. I give him a sheepish grin. "I got sick of wearing Leo's clothes, he has no style" i say.

"Hey!!" Leo shouts offended. I shrug.

"That's my favourite hoodie I was planning on wearing it today!!" Eli whines.

Julian speaks up "That's what happens when you have a sister, Eli."

Yeaaa preach Julian! All their clothes are mine.

"It literally goes to her knees!!" Eli exclaims.

"It's comfy this way, don't you want me to be comfy? I just got back from hospital." I guilt trip him.

He starts to look guilty "Fine you can wear it if you sit with me in the car this time" Oh yea .. dude they're literally rich they need to buy a car with enough seats ugh.

We're in the car, i'm sat on Eli's lap as promised. He keeps poking my side and i'm very ticklish there, he's so annoying. poke. "For the last time Eli stop it!!" He seems to find my annoyance funny. poke. "Seriously fuck off with that Eli, it's annoying!" I exclaim.

Suddenly the car is silent. Julian looks angry, Jasper and Eli look at me disapprovingly, Leo just looks shocked and Odin looks like he is trying to hold back a laugh. "What?? What'd I do?" I ask. "Don't use such foul language." Julian says angrily. Jeez i only said fuck there's so many worse words. "No sweets for the rest of the week." He says firmly.

"WHAT?? But i didn't know I wasn't allowed to swear." I plead. "Well now you know." He says.

"But Eli was annoying me, he deserved it" I say!

"That is not an excuse to swear at your brother, say sorry." He says.

"No way, he is the one that should say sorry to me" I complain.

"Shall i raise it to 2 weeks?" he threatens. Ugh.


"Like you mean it." He warns.

"Sorry for swearing at you, Eli." I say. I still don't actually mean it.

"I forgive you baby sis" Eli says, tch.

"good." Julian says. and everything went back to normal.

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