Chapter 24

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Elowynn's POV
Thankfully, the day went pretty smoothly from then. It seems the world listened to my pleas and kept Arlo out of the rest of my classes, meaning I only have to deal with him in art and etiquette which is still too much in my opinion.

I'm currently packing up my bag from dance, it is definitely my favourite class currently. For now we have to do all types of dance, rotating the style everyday but eventually we get to pick just one style to focus on. I cannot decide right now, I finish packing my bag and sling it over my shoulder.

"Good job today class I can't wait to see you all excel we definitely have some strong dancers in our class." The blonde woman who is very in shape says.

Walking over to the door I see Leo stood there waiting for me so we can walk to the car together.

"Ew you're all sweaty and you smell." Leo teases. I scowl at him I can't help being sweaty I just had a dance class.

"At least I smell because I participated in a physical activity, you just smell in general." I retort back. He just playfully glares then we proceed to walk to the car to meet up with the rest of the brothers and Julian.

Everyone is stood outside of the car waiting for us, Julian specifically has a worried papa bear look on his face until he sees that I am fine in one piece and have a smile on my face then he looks relieved.

Once we reach the car i'm engulfed into a bone crushing hug, the culprit being Julian.

"My baby bat! Why didn't you message me all day?" Julian asks as he realises the hug and instead places his hands on my shoulders to look at my face.

"You told me to message you if anything went wrong and nothing went wrong!" I explain.

"Well yes but you can still message me even if nothing is wrong." Julian says with a hand on his heart to add dramatics.

He's such a drama queen.


We arrive back home and are currently sat at the dining table in our usual places, Julian says we will talk about how our day went over dinner. The maids and butlers prepared yet again another astounding array of food as always.

"So baby bat did you enjoy school?" Julian questions as we dig in.

I think back to all the events that happened during school. On the bright side I made 2 friends, my classes are pretty decent so far and i have no bullies so far which is already so much better than my old school. However the downside is Arlo. "It's pretty okay, I loved dance and I loved the lunch you made and I also made 2 friends." I reply

"One of them is a boy." Leo announces with a smirk as he looks at me. At this Julian looks at me expectantly.

I glare at him feeling betrayed, freaking snitch. He just smiles sweetly and sticks his tongue out at me.

"He's just a friend, I mean come on we literally just met! Plus his twin sister is also my friend so they come as a package." I reply.

Julian analyses my face and then says "I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, no funny business." He warns. I simply nod.

"What? You're just going to let her hang around with boys?" Leo asks astonished.

"Are you jealous i'll favour him more than you? Oh oh or is it because you want him all for yourself?" I joke with a cheeky grin.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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