Chapter 7

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It'd probably been 3 hours until this breakdown finally came to an end.
I realised this isn't going to get me anywhere, I need to stay calm and collected in order to get out of here.

With all the Information I've gathered so far, I know that I need an ID in order to get out or to go through the portal with someone who is over 1000.

So I'll need to steal Julian's ID, that is my first plan of action. Ha, stealing that's how i got myself into this situation in the first place. Maybe this is my karma.

I decide to properly explore the room whilst I wait for someone to enter.

Honestly it's beautiful, I'd love to have a room like this, money like this. It must be nice. I sigh and decide to make the most of the room for the couple of days I'll be here before I leave, knowing I'll never get to experience something like this again. I walk to the other side of the room and I see a desk, I decide to snoop through the drawers out of boredom. Omg there is the cutest stationary here, don't judge me for getting excited over stationary we all do!!

"Liking the room?" Julian suddenly says standing behind me.

I jump.

"Why are you so frightened? You are allowed to look through the drawers and stuff in this room, after all it is yours." Julian explains.

My, room. Those words are new to me, ive never had a room of my own. I have always had to share with the other orphans. If only this was my room under different circumstances.

"Everyone gets scared at a sudden noise, plus I'm in a house full of blood su- *cough* vampires that i don't know. Oh and the room, it's awful you could've given me something nicer considering you kidnapped me." I say trying to annoy him.

Julian raises his brow "You don't like the room? What more do you want, anything for you, dear daughter?"

"I want to go home" I say seriously.

"Tch, home, this is the only home you've ever had and will ever have. That orphanage isn't a home." Julian says annoyed.

I can't argue with this because I know he's right, it wasn't a home it was the bang opposite. Besides, if i ever want to get out of here I should be on his good side and not argue with him.

"When are you going to give me a tour of my new *home* then?" I ask planning to scan my surroundings.

"Ahh Jasper said he wanted to do that." Julian says.

"Which one is that again?" I ask

"The eldest one" Julian says simply.

Dang the most intimidating one..i sigh.

"Don't worry baby bat he doesn't bite" Julian grins.

We have been walking around for a while now, i've learnt Jasper is the least talkative of the bunch. Whenever we get to a room and just says what the room is and then we move on. "Kitchen." Jasper says with no emotion as we approach the beautiful large kitchen. Just like that...

Every once in a while I try and start small talk or throw in a joke but it still results in awkward silence i'm starting to think he doesn't like me much

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Every once in a while I try and start small talk or throw in a joke but it still results in awkward silence i'm starting to think he doesn't like me much.

"Hey, Leo can finish off the tour if you want, you don't seem too keen on it." I say to Jasper.

He turns around and looks at me with a straight face. "No." Then he carries on walking and continues the tour. This guy is weird....

Eventually we make it to a bathroom, I come up with a brilliant plan. Surely the bathroom windows won't be locked.

"Jasper, I really need to use the toilet." He simply nods. I stand there awkwardly waiting for him to leave the room. "Um could you leave?" I ask politely. Jasper raises his eyebrow and says "be quick." As he exits the bathroom shutting the door.

Perfect! I walk over to the window and it is unlocked. Thank the lord i can leave quicker than i thought. Tch these guys are idiots.

I carefully open the window creating an exit big enough for me to jump down, holy shit we're quite high up there's no chance i'll be able to jump down without getting a broken leg minimum.

Yolo a broken leg can heal. I climb up on the counter bracing myself for the large fall im about to have. I put one leg out of the window and take a deep breath before pushing myself fully out the window with my eyes shut tight bracing for impact.

Only for it not to come?

I open my eyes and realise im just dangling from the window? I look behind me and see Jasper with an angry face holding onto my shirt. I give him a sheepish look and say "hi".

"Don't hi me, are you stupid? If you would've fallen from this high you'd have gotten seriously hurt." Jasper says angrily. This is the most I've heard him talk.

Wait he's more worried about me getting hurt than me escaping? This is new, no one has ever cared before.

He lifts me back into the bathroom and sets me on the ground and then closes the window. He then makes a really weird high pitch noise and suddenly Julian poofs out of midair.

"She tried to jump from the window." Jasper says.

I look at him betrayed "snitch" I say angrily.

He just ignores it.

"Elowynn, you cannot jump from heights that large, you could seriously hurt, you're still a baby bat you can't fly like us yet your wings haven't grown in" Julian says seriously.

I look at him shocked. He's scolding me for almost hurting myself and not for trying to escape.

"Aren't you mad I tried to escape?"  I ask.

"I'm disappointed but more so angry at the fact you could be so careless to almost hurt yourself, Elowynn." Julian says.

"Keeping me here is also hurting me" I retort.

"For now, but in the long run it will be better for you. Look how happy the boys are."  Julian argues.

"You don't know me or whats good for me" I say angrily.

"I know you better than you know yourself, you'll eventually see that one day. You'll see us as your family, you'll enjoy it here and wish you met us sooner." Julian says calmly.

I don't say anything I simply glare at him. I know i won't win this argument so i won't waste my breath.

"Now follow me" Julian suddenly says.

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