Chapter 3: A NEW DAY (sane)

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7 years later

"Look at him!! He's amazing and handsome. Damn"

"I know right!! He's so cool and how come no one fall for him!?"

Two girls were talking while I walked infront of them. Being popular and handsome causes a lot of problem me. I mean I'm not complaining, I like their attention anyway.

"Hey kevin, how you doing?" My friend Rick hugged me by my shoulders and walked with me.

"Nothing much, you?"

"Same here. Well I've got to know that there's a new student coming in our school today. She's beautiful just like a mode"

"And that how you know?"

"Assumption" he laughed

I pinched him on his head lightly and laughed with him "you and your stupid ass brain."

"Well let's take if she's beautiful, will you fall for her?"

"I'm sure i won't, if I do how can I get other girls heart" I said while winking to a girl beside me and moved on.

We entered out classroom and sat where were supposed to. A little while our homeroom teacher came in and we all went silent.

"Goodmorning students, we have got you a new friend. I hope you all get along together very well."

A girl came in our class. Her wavy long black hair all let down till her waist, her brown doe eyes with perfectly matched eyebrows and rose pink lips. A slightly tanned body screaming perfection. She's simply wonderful.

"Good morning everyone, my name is Zuri. I hope we all can be friends" her voice is like drug, it's very addictive. Suddenly i realised that the whole class was discussing something with eachother after looking at their phone . Then a girl stands up and says,

"Are you Zuri merïch? The daughter of worlds richest man?"

"Yes, you got it right"

Everyone were shocked and started talking with eachother.

"Okay class be quite, let us treat her like a normal student and be friends with her not just because of her wealth but because of her personality." Said our homeroom teacher.

We all sat and she sat on her bench which was infront of me but in the middle row and i was at the window seat. We all began to study but my eyes were stuck on her. She's splendid and i want to get her. I don't care who she is or whatever, I want her. Actually I need her. And I'm in love with her. I simply don't care about anything but her.

Soon it was lunch time and before going to the cafeteria I walked by her and pushed her with my shoulders.

"I'm sorry I really didn't mean to do that" I said even if it was intentional.

"It's alright I hope you're okay" she smiled and let it go without saying anything.

"Oh, yeah sure" I hesitated.

"I guess someone just fell in love" rock and Sam teased me whole leaning towards the wall. I walked to them and glared at them right into their eyes

"I. Am. Not. In. Love. Got it??" I said with anger.

"Oh my god, daddy!! I'm so scared" Sam teased me changing his voice and hugged Rick. That guy even planted a kiss on his forehead.

"Are you guys kinda-" I said with hesitation

"No we're not but we're sure it was how you and Zuri would react. Like just imagine, school's hottest boy and most beautiful girl are dating. That would be a huge breaking news." Said Rick with excitement.

"Whatever" as we walked to the cafeteria.

I saw her sitting alone so I took a step out go towards her but then i saw a group of girls coming to sit with her. At that point I just turned my feet into a different direction and walked where I am suppose to, Sam and Rick.

"Someone just got ditched" said Sam while chugging up the crab soup.

"Whatever you say, this school offers a good and healthy food for sure. They have got us rice, crab soup, spaghetti, fried vegetables, an omlet, chocolate cake, mushroom fry. If I got this every day I'd eat them and skip school." Rick was in heaven seeing his meal and he even says that he skips breakfast to eat lunch at school.

While him and Sam were talking my eyes went straight towards Zuri. Even the way she eats is very attractive. This girl is driving me crazy. So crazy that I might even worship the land that she's walking on, feed her by my own hands, make a crown for her because she's my queen, take her to places, ruin her every single night and much more.

I have a hefty amount of wealth but if i have her, she'll be the precious one of them all. I need her and I'll get her. I stood up and walked towards her and sat beside her. At this point I don't care if anyone thinks me as a creepy guy. I sat beside her and all the other girls screamed when they saw me with her. I placed my plate and with a wink at other girls I stared at the beauty.

"Wassap my lady?" All the other girls went crazy but i saw no reaction from her but I didn't let that stop me. All girls go crazy after me anyway, and so will she. But for now I'm going crazy.

"What are you doing here..." She asked confused yet I can still sense the tension inside her.

"I am Kevin, Kevin cesér my lady. You can call me ken, and you'll be my Barbie" that was lame, I know. And to the response she cringed.

"So why are you here Kevin?"

"To stare at my lady"

"Oh! And who's that?" Her voice was a little teasing type but it sounded seductive.

"You, my lady"

"And why's that?"

"What do you mean why's that? Ofcourse it's because-"

"I gotta go. I have to prepare for my class and eat this lunch before the bell rings. If you could, please stay away from me..." she leaned towards me and whispered in my ears "...I'm not good. I'm not what you think I am"

I backed off. That caught me off-guard. What does that mean? Whatever it is she'll be mine now.

*School ends*

I was walking to my regular way and i again saw her at a store i kept looking through the glass and damn she's amazing. I backed off and walked straight to my house.

She'll be mine. I'll make her mine...

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