chapter 4: MINE(sane)

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I walked home trying to ignore her presence but she's always in my head. I have never felt the same with my exes before. They all seemed the same but her.. she's not like them at all. But whatever it is i must go back home now.

I rang the bell as the maid opened it for me and welcomed me home. I sat down on the couch and turned on the tv. Suddenly a news channel popped up, maybe dad was watching it.

A 64 year old man was murdered and his body was found beside the river bank. After some investigations, we got to know that the man was tortured very badly. His hair was snatched by hand making blood marks on his head, severe damage was caused on his arms and legs. It was also found out that his pennies were cut off , his eyes were snatched, his tongue was cut and one of his toe nails was ripped off.....

That part when I heard the word pennies were cut off, I was terrified. I turned off the tv and went to my room. That murder doesn't bother me a bit, maybe he deserved that? I shrugged it off and freshened up.

I came out wearing a towel wrapping my lower part and another towel to dry my hair. I picked up the phone and sat down on my bed. I wanted to check if my Zuri was active online. And thank God, she has an Instagram account with around 4.5million followers.

I was amazed not because I only have 100k followers but because of how much impact she has on people. I searched about her and found out that she's from the world's richest family. My dad is the 5th in that category. He's a surgeon and is known world famously for his skills.

But I don't care about that, all I care about is her at this point. I threw the phone on the bed and stood up. Taking out my display board I printed out some pictures of her and stuck them one by one on it. I tied a red thread on each of the pins and in the middle I placed a big printed photo of her.

Until the dots connect by the thread, I'll give my blood, sweat and tears to get her. I will make her mine and no one can stop me with that. I am determined to get her and I will. I turned around and covered the board with an old cloth that I had around and hid it.

I walked out of the room after wearing my shirt and a trouser and sat down to eat my lunch. I kept going through my phone until I got some information about her. But all her articles were filled with how rich she is and how she's so glad to be his daughter and so on.

I saw her interview where she was asked about her life. I turned that thing on and heard it till the end. She said that she had been living a great life with no worries she's not spoiled but she gets everything she wants. Suddenly I noticed a huge scar on her forearm. I took a screenshot and zoomed it in, edited it to get a clear clarity and after looking at it for more, i realised that it was a burnt mark.

I searched up on Google about it and it was a match to what it showed. I was concerned about it. I wonder what caused her to get those. Did she hurt herself ? But if she's so happy about having such riches with her then why?

I ran to my room and printed it out and stuck it where it was supposed to. I thought about talking to her about it but for now i don't want her to realise that I'm stalking her. If I get to know that someone else did it to her, I'll kill them.

From that day onwards i tried my best to stalk her and talk to her. She would not show any reaction while I was talking to her so i decided to ignore her for some time until she craves me. Does she care? Probably not but I'll make sure she will. I must think of something better than that.

I talked to Sam and Rick about it and they gave an awesome plan to get her attention. "let's invite everyone for a party" said Sam after snapping his fingers together

"That's a great idea but what will that party be for?" I said with a lot of concern

"Kev, your dad won an award for saving a man who was on the verge of drying right? That too a week ago so let's keep this concept and throw a party" Rick surely has the best idea and I agreed. We invited all students from our class including Zuri.

I was dressed up in a black suit and with a black shirt underneath along with black pants. I styled my hair and went downstairs. As I went down i witnessed Zuri from my own eyes. She looks out of the world as if a beautiful goddess just landed on earth and it happens to be my house. My eyes were not getting off of her.

Zuri was a woman with cascading hair flowing freely, its darkness a stark contrast to her vibrant red dress. The dress hugs her form, highlighting her confident stride as she walks. Everyone can't help but notice her radiant energy as she commands attention wherever she goes.

I walked down and took a drink from the waiter as i walked towards her. My eyes were drifted in her beauty and the magnetic effect was only forcing me to come closer to her.

"Hey my Zuri, would you like to drink" what the fuck am I even saying? Where's my sense? Where's my sanity? Where's my old self? Who am I? I just want her that's all I know.

She turns around and her perfect lips curled up into a smile. Her smile seems so attractive, looking at her smiling, a smile forms on my face itself. I can't deny the fact that i'm obsessed with her.

"Yeah sure, thank you very much Kevin. You look great today" her voice makes my heart skip a beat.

She's a goddess....

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