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I went home . My parents, brother and I talked a lot . All of a sudden I remembered to call Vatsal and I did. I video called after some rings he picked up . A towel wrapped around his body. Water drops falling here and there and his messy hair.

On call
Young Vatsal- Like what you see Kishmish? Kishmish..... KISHMISH
Young Ishan- w-what are you s-saying? I did not hear you.
Young Vatsal- well if I were you. I wouldn't have been able to hear too. A great view in front so how could you focus on my words.
Young Ishan- I-I....... I reached safely... What are you doing?
Young Vatsal- Well I am gonna change want to see. I wouldn't mind if it's you.
Young Ishan- S-so shameless. How is it going with your family?
Young Vatsal- Yeah you know my father is coming tonight. My mother is here . She made my favourite food. We even talked a lot . I told her so much about you . Kishmish you know after 5 years I am going to see my father . We talked on the phone like twice a year but now I can finally see him face to face. You know I have missed my family so much. I am really happy to be with them I missed them till death but right now I am missing you . I wish you were with me. My mother really wants to see you. You know this time my father called me back home , I have always told you my mother is the only one who calls me home but this time it was my father.

( He kept going on about his family and after a few hours he called me and that was the last time he called me when he was home. Whenever I used to call he always used to decline saying he was busy and whatever excuses but I understood that he needs time with his family. We talked on texts at night but it was not the same. I felt a little insecure so I wrote it all in my diary all of the things I felt I wrote there.
After a week I finally met him but that was the day I realised I loved him. When I came back to the hostel . I entered my room I saw that his luggage was there but not him . Later when he came back I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back but his words did not contain the same affection. " Kishmish now done I am here get off me . I am sleepy" I smiled and stopped hugging him . I asked him about dinner . He told me he already had it so I asked if he would like to accompany but he denied and said " sorry Kishmish there was this girl she was very beautiful and she did not have a food card. So I bought for her and me. We will eat together tomorrow.."

But that tomorrow never came. He started having breakfast lunch dinner away from me . Daily he used to say something very offensive to me . I tried to hold onto the bond we had . But he told me one day " Kishmish no offence but you are boring as hell . You do know how to crack jokes , you do not know how to be funny and beautiful the attention seeker. Sometimes a lot of attention and affection by people is good. When I stay with you I get bored" . That day I was very sad and I just said sorry.

Daily it became a routine he used to shout at me and daily he used to tell me I was disgusting. One more thing he used to tell me daily was that 2 boys together is impossible. He never raised his hand on me but nothing less. He changed and I wanted to know what was wrong. After waiting for a few months I went to him and I found my diary in his hand and that was the day everything changed. I snatched the diray from him .

Young Vatsal
I kept telling myself no way that my Kishmish likes guys. But yes you do .
Young Ishan
Vatsal just listen to me. It is not like it seems.
Young Vatsal
you are disgusting. So disgusting.
Answer me honestly do you love me?

Young Ishan
I cannot lie yes I do but--

Young Vatsal
There is not but . You are such a burden that I have been carrying for 5 years. So emotional every time acting petty and playing the victim card.

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