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3 weeks later
Ishan's pov

On call
Ishan- No he actually said he is leaving me life for good.
Rishab- when did you guys have a conversation?
Ishan- approximately 22 days ago.
Rishab- and you are telling me this now? What else did he say?
Ishan- H-He said it was never one-sided. He loved me. 
Rishab- Does it matter ? Tell me
Ishan- No
Rishab- Bro tell Shubman before it's too late. He loves you then why are you hiding it? He will support you no matter what. Just tell him.
Ishan- I cannot tell Shub. What will I tell him that my first love finally loves me back but--

( I heard a glass breaking sound . I immediately cut the line and looked behind.  There Shubman was standing teary eyes . )

W-why? Ishu Why? Where did I go wrong? W-where was I not enough? Tell me I will fulfill all that b-but p-please don't b-b-break up with me.
( My eyes got teary at the sight of a vulnerable Shubman in front of me. Who fell down on his knees crying.)

N-no it's not what you think Shubie

It's exactly what I think. From the starting of the IPL you have been hiding things even now.....
What should I consider this silence for? I loved you . I have been telling myself to not jump into conclusions from 3-4 weeks.
I heard you shouting in the washroom on our dinner date that you loved Vatsal. You loved him till death and then you asked Vi Bhai for help but did not continue when I came by. You have been acting wierd lately . You use your phone after I sleep till hours. 
I notice everything b-but I never thought you would be cheating on me.

C-cheating ? How could you say this Shubie? I love you

You told me to trust you.  You told me to wait for you but from the starting of our relationship I never found my old Ishan. The Ishan who whenever even ate a piece of chocolate would tell me. 
I found you who never tells me things who doesn't have time for me. 
Who loves that Vatsal. That person who lied to me about you and him going to vacation with you .

Shub I don't know how to explain myself. There are a lot of things that I want to share b-but I fear . I am scared Shubie

You are scared of me? Did I do something that made you scared of me? I love you like you are someone my life depends on. 

I am scared of your reaction. I am scared you will leave me.  I am scared that someone that I love will leave me abandon me again.
I do not want you to leave me .

Trust me Ishu.  I won't leave you but please stop hiding things it hurts.
It hurts it makes me feel unwanted of you . Unworthy of knowing your secrets.

Author's pov
I-I was a child when it all started. I was nine years old.

( Ishan started telling his past . If you guys do not remember full go back and read chp- 17 & 18 .
Ishan was crying while telling it all.  )

Vatsal was the son of Pankaj uncle and then he became my manager .
( Ishan continued telling about Vatsal coming back and all what happened between the IPL.  )

He left then due to his mother being met with an accident.
That day in our date he sent me a message stating that his mother is going to the world soon and that he is sorry.  He wanted to have a talk.  So I went to the washroom to talk.  I shouted all that in frustration and anger.
Today I was talking to Rishab as I mentioned earlier he helped me with coping up things .
I wanted to say that when Vatsal likes me I don't like him.  I love Shubman but you did not hear the full. 

( By right now Shubman was fuming in anger. He was patting Ishan's back)

Mayank he finds me foolish and innocent that I still think Vatsal is not at fault that much .
That guy supported me a lot and because of me he did not meet his father for years. I hated Vatsal but somehow I relate that he was foolish a child who just wanted love and then a man who just craved love .
Pankaj uncle he is still alive and living somewhere peacefully.
( Shubman hugged Ishan tightly patting his back and telling sweet nothings to Ishan)

Forgive me.
I shouldn't have said that you cheated on me .

I kept trying to find him that's why I am usually awake at night using my phone.

Ishu I am sorry.  I am just as bad as them . I did not trust you .

It's alright. But next time I won't spare you .

No I deserve a punishment now. 
Do anything you want hit me . Shout on me . Make me do the dishes .

It's a hotel.  If you do dishes here it might take you hours .

Oh not a good idea just beat me then .
( Ishan picked up his slipper) Ishu srsly . It's so dirty

( Ishan threw his slippers at Shubman who tried dodging them )

Let me call the room service to clean this all up. 

Ishh you are the strongest human being I have ever met . You are a fighter meri jaan.  I am so proud of you .
You go to sleep I will call the room service.
( Slowly Ishan went to sleep. Shubman went towards the balcony and made a call)

On call
Shubman - I need help. Please Find Pankaj Jain Shekhawat I need all details about him.  Where is he right now? With whom? All the details.  He is out of India most probably.
Please Vi Bhaiii help me.  You are the one I can really trust.
Virat- No hi no hello.  I will ask someone to find him.


Stay tuned. 

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