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Amelia's pov

On the window is the security guard of our school  , looking at us with amusement in his eyes. Our guard used to be kind of an acquaintance to us but that got ruined at the end of our last semester as the boys decided to pull a prank on him.

They literally dropped paint on the poor man and now I can see in his eyes that he wants revenge.
Right now I hate the boys and if I so much so get in any trouble now they're gonna pay for it.

" Hello Mr. Franklin. What a lovely day ,  isn't it ? " Amanda says looking past me to the man .

" It indeed is now Ms. Pierce. Would you like to have detention on such a fine morning? I hope yes because I am about to snitch you girls out to some teacher. " Says the man and walks away

Three of us rush towards the school gate following him . Inside we're all freaking out but we don't show it as the expressions will only make him amused and we don't want that.

" Mr. Franklin umm so look we're really really sorry about that prank but in our defence that was all boys. We didn't do anything. We respect you too much. " I say making an attempt to save us.

" Oh dear I know that but what about the time you girls accidentally spilled more pepper in my noodles when I told you to get me one as you were about to ditch school for food. " He says looking at us...more like glaring us

" I don't really remember us doing that. When was this ? You've got to be kidding me ! Both of you ditched school without me ? How could you do this to me ? " Amanda says

" That was once were not even in school. You had flu . We were hungry so we just snuck out and walked to the near by cafe . " Rachel says explaining.

" I am sorry Manda. We'll ditch tomorrow with you but right now I think we have bigger problems. " I say annoyed about the fact that they found this perfect timing to argue.

" Okay whatever! " She says folding her hands. Wow now she's dramatic.

Rachel walks towards Mr. Franklin and Signals me that she'll handle this.

She whispers something in his ears and his eyes go wide like he's been caught red handed doing some sort of crime. Whatever Rachel says to him he just nods and says a small thank you.

" Problem solved girls...lets move ahead." Rachel says as we make our way into the school. The bell rang!!

Well that was good. I am curious about what Rachel told the poor man that made him go horrified.
Guess we'll never find out because we all have classes to get to in 10 mins .

We rush to our lockers and head towards our respective classes .

Ananda's pov

Its been an amazing break with my friends. I had so much fun this outside the house but inside my house, well the scenario wasn't pleasing at all any moment that's why I preferred staying out.

Lia was a great company throughout the holidays , even though I missed Rachel but I felt more connected to Lia now. Rachel will always be my bestest friend but Lia has a place too I guess.

Both of them don't really try to get along like best buddies but I am sure they'll be more involved this year.

I walk towards my first class thats history. This sucks .. I hate the subject but I am glad to be in this class for obvious reasons.
Yes ...we have this class together among many others. I am sure I would ditch history if it weren't for him being here.

If We Stayed Friends Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora