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Amelia's pov

It's been a week since we all got to know about Chase's girlfriend.

Most of the students expected their relationship to end by now but that was not the case.
I always thought Chase was committed because he was different from all the football jocks at school. He never did random meaningless hookups and even he has skipped his own winning parties.

When we saw his girlfriend Jessica... she's beautiful.
I was happy for him . Jessica has not been friendly towards most of us till now. Chase says she's more on the shy mute side and I agree. That girl never holds a conversation.

She's beautiful and makes Chase happy so that's what makes me happy too. She has been hanging out with the group but only when Chase is around.


I hear the chair beside me screech , pulling me out of my thoughts. I look up to see the least expected person here.

" Since when did you go to the library?" I ask

" Don't start with me now" Rachel says, she seems irritated.

" Looks like you've got your panties in a twist young lady" I say my tone laced with sarcasm

She doesn't reply instead she passes a note to me with her handwriting on it.

Something's wrong with Manda. Any clue?

Can't she just talk.....

I write back

Out of the library..NOW!

" I have noticed that about Manda. I have no idea what's happening. She doesn't really hangout anymore and she hasn't been very attentive in her classes too. "

" I don't get what is wrong with her. " She has her hands up in the air... she's being too dramatic

" What really happened? Did you guys talk?"

" Talk? Yeah that. No ... Amanda has apparently forgotten what TALKING means.
I saw her right now in the girl's room and decided to have a conversation as you know its been too long since I hung out with her. She was being a bitch. I hate to say this but I like your company more than hers at this moment. " She says

" What the hell did she say? You're being overly dramatic I think. " I say

" Shut up!...stop blaming me "

" Will you tell me clearly what happened or I have to develop some witchy woo and figure this out. "

" I asked her about your text. The one you sent a week ago for us to meet at Rosie's. She said she didn't get it. I told her that you sent it and we saw that she left it on read and instead of explaining the situation she just started bitching about how you and me have never gotten along when she wanted us to and now when she's out of the picture we have been close.

Can you imagine..? She thinks YOU and ME are close. How absurd she can be? But that is not the point here. I asked her about why she has been ignoring us especially our girls time . She didn't even get to my house for movie night this Saturday and she came up with a lame excuse... saying she was completing her homework. Bullshit! We didn't get homework and even if we did Amanda and homework never Belong in one sentence. " She finishes but I know there's something more she just doesn't want to say it.

" Okay... that's so not her but we need to relax. I think she needs time. She might be going through something at home and you know how secretive she is about her family, maybe its them . We should give her some time alone.. I am sure she'll come around. " I say even though I want to bug Manda with all the questions in the world but I understand her feelings. I sometimes too need peace and to be left alone. I too feel suffocating whenever I am suffering from something personal and I respect Manda's personal space because I understand what it is to not have one.

I know Rachel might not understand this. She has the perfect parents and a good loving brother but not all of us are blessed like that. The world is a cruel place and acts on different measures of cruelty for every single one. We can't compare one's pain or suffering to ours but we can definitely try to understand and respect it.

I think Amanda just needs time .. Time for herself to get up and realise that life is so much more than what it seems to be in this moment of mere highschool. I don't know why but sometimes I get a feeling about hers and mine world's are so much same but the next moment I not everyone can have a fate as bad as mine.

I am glad to have Nick though. He's my rock whenever my family hits a rock bottom and I shatter. No...he never picks me up but gives me hope to be okay...and that matters.

Thinking of Nick... things have been awkward for me atleast. Nick has been alot more affectionate after that stupid kissy-moment-of-affection . Yep that's what we're calling it.
I haven't told anyone. I could have talked to Amanda but she hasn't been around. I know she could help me figure it out I wish she's okay though.

" What do you think happened to her?" I hear Rachel say and my thoughts vanish.

" I don't know! I think she's dealing with family stuff maybe. I suppose we should wait." I say

" She has never been this way  . She was mean to me today" Rachel says sadly

I do what I didn't think I ever would. I put an arm around her and she leans in

" She's gonna be fine. You guys are gonna be okay.. I understand you feel like there's this distance between you people all of a sudden and you can't do anything to stop her from slipping away. I get it but trust me sometimes space is what we need to get our head in line Rachel. We cannot always think around people. The happiest of all people still have their own moments of sadness and disasters ,Not everyone can be the same always. We change. Change is good... necessary even. Over the years you , me , Manda and everyone around us have changed but doesn't mean that the relationships we hold change. Our personality changes .. feelings don't, friendship doesn't, our heart doesn't change.
Wait for her... I promise thing's are gonna be okay.
We cannot stop her from doing what her heart desires at the moment but we can stand beside her as her friends and hold her whenever she faces a fall right? " I say....

" Never knew you were that wise Lia "


" Thats your name isn't it? Or did you finally take my suggestion to change it to 'dumbass' "

" Shut the fuck up bitch" i say

And we laugh. Who thought Rachel and Amelia... laughing together and having a serious girl talk that too on a Monday...

She said Lia though....she never calls people nicknames unless...

They mean something to her.

Lia and Rachel

A beautiful disaster I suppose

Author's note

Keep reading.
Xoxo .

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