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Important author 's note ahead. Give it a read.

Enjoy the chapter.
Love yashvi ♥️

Rachel's pov

Amelia's rude behaviour towards my cousin  didn't really surprise me as she's this way with everyone new she meets. Hell she's still rude to me because we don't interact much.

She's a perfect example of what we say an Ambivert these days. Amanda loves her though and maybe a tiny little part of me loves her too because deep inside she's the most pure hearted girl we all have ever met.

I used to not really like her as Amanda always had crush on her best friend so it was just a best friend thing to not like her but she's impossible to not like .

I just kind of don't like the fact how she has created a rift between me and Manda. I have been with Manda practically since forever but she comes and swoops my role away . I know its kinda more Manda's fault that she didn't prioritize our years long friendship but that  just makes it more difficult for me to be close with Amelia and on top of that her behaviour doesn't help.

Apart from Amelia, I am barely in touch with the rest of the group . Asher and Amanda talk, he likes her probably . Patrick, Jake and Nicholas are best buddies since childhood and they're still really tight, I love that about those boys . I am just present here and there... nothing much but I am lucky to be part of these people because no matter what they make my life bearable.

" Is she always like that? " Mary my cousin whispers

" Ignore her! She'll come around...kind of a bitch she is but she can be a sweetheart whenever." I say truthfully

" Okay! Can't wait to be her friend " she says sarcastically

" You both know I can hear you right? " Amelia says still focusing on the teacher with her resting bitch face.

" Who said it wasn't meant for you to hear? " I reply with sass in my tone knowing that she hates it.

Me and Mariana chuckle and we all shut up and go back to lesson.

Mariana used to be my best friend when we were kids . I don't know about now but I am hoping she's still the same girl. We don't live together, her parents got her a place for herself...yes I know she's in highschool, junior on that...but rich people put less brains on what to do with their money so they just put it wherever sometimes
Amanda's words not mine....

Although I secretly agree because thats exactly the case with Mariana.
She could have easily had a room at my parents' house but her parents just love showoff I guess.

She's sweet though and not to forget the most beautiful red head I have ever met . She's not exactly fair in colour but a bit dull ... it's just perfect all together.
Her red hair makes her even more beautiful.

The class ends and three of us make our way to lockers. Me , Amanda and Amelia have our lockers together in a row and Mariana has it a bit far away so she leaves us .

" I'll see you after my next class, in lunch probably...bye Amelia bye Rachel" Mariana says and rushes away...

Its just us now...even though we don't talk... there's never a moment where I feel out of place or awkward with Amelia. Its just peaceful with her...kind of like she always knows everything and I don't have to say anything. I know its weird but this isn't under my control.

" Manda didn't attend the class. I wonder where is she? Do you think something bad happened? She never skips without letting us know"  Amelia says...

" Oh I totally forgot that we had this class with her . " I say...and we reach our lockers

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