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Patrick's pov

Highschool, as fun as this sounds and we imagine it to be I think its that dreadful. Another year of waking up early , travelling all the way to this hellhole, new drama , new people, exams , grades and all the things that I peculiarly despise .

The only thing in highschool that makes it somewhat bearable is friends. If you don't have friends, I don't think you can survive.

Today was the first day and I was ready to skip it but Nicholas here had other plans. I was so sure that I won't be in school along with jake till next week as Nicholas was out of town.

That idiot just popped out of nowhere last night at 2am in front of my window while I was busy playing Xbox.

That's how I ended up here. Sleep deprived and extremely hungry teenager in the nurse room with a stupid nose bleed. I hate my life at this moment  .

I so desperately want my bed and the peace of my house. My parents are always working, mom more than dad . I also took a job in the bakery this break to help with the bills . My parents are not poor but not rich either , so we all work and contribute together.

Nicholas is loaded if I tell you and Jake is pretty much well off too. My mom is a teacher in kindergarten and dad has a shipments and transport business which is going down as I speak. He used to do make good money but last two years have been tough  .

My thoughts are all over the place as I notice Amelia and Rachel pass by again. They came here earlier to look for Amanda but couldn't find her. What happened? I wondered for a second but I let it go as those girls were always trouble so it wasn't something surprising.

" Hey man! I bought M&Ms "  I hear Jake as he enters

I swear he can eat whole freaking day.
" You're stuffing yourself again? I thought you couldn't get anymore fat but I was wrong brother" I say

" What are you? My mom? Always commenting on my weight. I am not fat ... you are ." He says with amusement and continues munching on it.

" Where's Nick? " I ask

" He was right behind me when I opened the M&Ms but after that I lost him." He says. I know he forgets the world after he sees food.

My phone rings and I see Nick calling.

" You seriously are calling me when we're in the same school..." I say

" Shut up and tell me where are you and is that dufus there? " He says referring to Jake.

" Nurse's room" I say and hang up knowing
that the conversation was over.

We don't really talk on phones.....we just meet up if there's something to talk about.

Minutes later Nick shows up and he seems irritated. I wonder why?

" You're seriously  dumb Jake ! I can't believe you left me at my locker and didn't even tell me where Rick was. " He said sitting on the edge of the bed I was currently laying on.

" He didn't tell you? But you saw me bleeding you should have common sense bro" I say chuckling.

" I did have common sense but he told me you're not at the nurse's room and he would take me wherever you are. " He says

" How can you be such an idiot for believing this ....dufus ? You're seriously having a screw loose I think. " I say laughing

" He has a screw loose....are you going to say something or those M&Ms are way more interesting? " Nick smacks Jake on the head.

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