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Amelia's pov

Asher and I sat through the lecture as if we were strangers. It was strange for him to have a sour mood . I mean I understand if something happened but Asher never lets people or things get to his head , I genuinely wonder what's wrong with him.

He never in that whole class tries to talk or even explain his behaviour.
Whatever it is must've pissed him off real bad.

After the last few classes , I headed towards my locker . Students were happily talking to each other , girls giggling, boys doing fist bumps and here I was alone. I wondered if maybe having all these friends was still not what I wanted because metaphorically and literally I was alone at the end of the day.

None of my friends seem to acknowledge how my day was? What were my plans for high school? Was I planning on parties or I was gonna be a nerd around this year too? No one asked

Because no one gives a fuck

For the first time I felt like I was believing my inner voice.

" Did you notice Amanda? " Rachel says from beside me

" When did you get here?" I say opening my locker

" I walked beside you idiot and I didn't 'hey' you because well that's kinda offensive to us isn't it?" She says

" Yeah I guess " I say . None of the people I was expecting were here but HER. She came all along with me.. didn't even let me know that she was here , maybe we can be friends or maybe we're better as frenemies or whatever.

I am glad Rachel was here.

" To answer your question, yes I noticed Manda. She was unusually quiet. "

" Do you think something bad happened? " She says shutting her locker

" I don't know really. I have been thinking about this but maybe we should give her time to process whatever happened and I am sure she'll tell us or atleast you. " I say truthfully

"She's closer to you these days. If she tells you just lemme know...if not the details just tell me if she needs me or she's okay..." She says

" You're her best friend Rachel. No matter how many people she hangs around with you'll never be replaced. She loves you as much as you love her.
She'll tell you and if she doesn't I'll tell you , but in my opinion she'll definitely tell you. " I say as we start walking towards the parking lot

In the parking lot we see Amanda pulling out.
" She's ditching us. " Rachel says

" What did we do?" I say confused

Maybe she forgot that she was supposed to be our ride.

Or maybe she just wants to be alone right now.

" Hey ! I just saw Manda pull out . How are you guys gonna get home?" Jake says approaching us

" I guess we'll walk or take the bus. " I say

" Bullshit. I'll take you Amy. " Nick says
When did he get here?
How are these boys able to follow us everywhere.
They're psychic i am telling you.

" No need . I'll take the bus. " I can't sit with him after today's events. I want some space to think about everything.

" I guess I better start walking. My house is quite far away." Rachel says and I frown

" Can't your parents' or brother come pick you up? " I say

" Why? Are you telling me that you're concerned about my safety Lia? " She says with an amusement in her eyes

If We Stayed Friends Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα