Finding Peace in Ink

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Sometimes, I don't know what I'm writing
I just let my heart pour on out on the pages
Words flow like a raging river, never stopping
Ink stains my hands, marks of my soul's stages

I don't have a plan, nor do I have a plot
I just let my emotions guide my pen
It's a journey into the depths of my thoughts as I try to make sense of them again

My heart speaks a language, one only I can understand
And I let it speak freely, without restrain
For in these words, I find solace and command
To let my true self shine, without any shame

Sometimes, these words may not make sense
But they hold a deeper meaning within
They are the echoes of my heart's defense against the chaos and noise, they are my kin
I write to heal, to release, to express all the things that I cannot say
And in these moments, I am blessed to have this outlet, to let my heart sway

So even when I don't know what I'm writing,
I trust that my heart knows the way
And with each word, I am igniting a fire within, that will never stray
For writing is not just about the perfect words
But about the rawness and the truth it brings
It's a reflection of my soul, a symphony of chords
It's where I find my voice, where my heart sings

So, I'll keep writing
Even when I don't know
For these pages, my heart finds its release
And with each word, my soul continues to grow
In this beautiful chaos, I find peace.

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