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A heavy heart, a tear-stained face
Feeling sad in this lonely place
But amidst the pain and the despair
There's a glimmer of love, a hint of care

I'm drowning in my sorrows, feeling lost
But your love, it comes at no cost
It lifts me up, it gives me strength
Even in my darkest moments, it goes to great lengths

Your gentle touch, your loving embrace
It's like a warm blanket, in this cold space
It soothes my soul, it calms my fears
In your arms, I have no more tears

You wipe away my sadness, with a single smile
You make me forget, even for a while
That I was feeling blue, that I was all alone
With you by my side, I feel like I've come home

It's bittersweet, this feeling inside
Of being sad and loved, both at the same time
But I wouldn't trade it, for anything else
For in your love, I find solace

So I'll hold on to this mix of emotions
For it's a reminder of your devotion
To love me through the highs and the lows
And for that, my heart overflows

With gratitude and joy, for having you
For being my light, when I'm feeling blue
With you, I can weather any storm
Feeling sad and loved, it's my new norm.

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