Whispers Of The Departed

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Though time has veiled your physical form,
Your spirit lingers, a gentle storm.
I sense your presence, a whisper soft,
A reminder of bonds that time cannot loft.

Your laughter echoes through my mind,
A melody that soothes and makes me find
Solace in the absence of your face,
For your love remains, a timeless grace.

Your warmth envelops me like a cloak,
A comforting embrace that eases the choke
Of grief and longing that weighs so deep,
A reminder that our connection shall keep.

In dreams, you visit, your smile so bright,
Guiding my steps, illuminating the night.
Your words of wisdom, a guiding light,
Beaconing me through shadows, into the light.

Though your body rests, your spirit soars,
A presence eternal, forever ours.
I feel your love in every gentle breeze,
A gentle reminder that you'll never cease.

So let me cherish these whispers low,
The remnants of a love that shall forever glow.
For though you're gone, your presence remains,
A testament to bonds that death cannot sustain.

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