Summer Time Blues

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In summer's embrace, a somber hue,
Depression's grip, a torment anew.
The sun's golden rays, a cruel jest,
Casting shadows upon a heart distressed.

The air is thick with joy and cheer,
But within, a void, a sense of fear.
The laughter of others, a distant sound,
As sadness echoes, deep and profound.

The vibrant colors, once so bold,
Now seem muted, their beauty untold.
The world outside, a vibrant scene,
While within, a darkness, cold and keen.

The weight of summer presses down,
A heavy cloak, obscuring all around.
The carefree spirits, they dance and play,
While I retreat into the shadows, day by day.

The sunbeams pierce, but no warmth they bring,
Only a reminder of the joy I'm not feeling.
The summer breeze, a whisper of despair,
Carrying the echoes of my silent prayer.

Oh, summer's time, a cruel illusion,
A season of sadness, a profound delusion.
In the midst of life's vibrant sway,
I'm trapped in a prison, my spirit astray.

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