A Trigger In Each Bite

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I am trying to rise from the ashes
Of a body battered and bruised
By the hands of my own mind
The enemy within, self-abuse

I used to chase after perfection
In every single bite I took
Counting calories and measuring
My worth, by a number on a book

I would starve myself for days
Binge until I couldn't move
My relationship with food was toxic
But I couldn't seem to improve

My body became a battleground
And I was constantly at war
With the reflection in the mirror
And the voice that wanted to be more

But now, I am fighting back
Taking back control of my life
No longer a prisoner to my thoughts
Or a slave to the scale's strife

Recovery is not a straight line
There are bumps and setbacks along the way
But I am learning to listen to my body
And nourish it every single day

I am learning to love myself
Beyond the numbers and the size
To appreciate my strength and resilience
And see the beauty in my eyes

I am learning to find balance
In food, in exercise, in rest
To treat my body with kindness
And give it the love it deserves best

It's not easy, this journey of recovery
But I am determined to see it through
To break free from the chains of this disorder
And embrace a life that is true

So I'll keep taking it one day at a time
And celebrate every small victory
For I am a warrior, a fighter
And I will overcome this eating disorder story.

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