Overthinking's Grip

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In the labyrinth of my mind,
Overthinking weaves its web so fine.
Tangled thoughts, like threads unfurled,
A tangled ball, a chaotic world.

Like a whirlpool's relentless pull,
It drags me down, my spirit dull.
Questions echo, fears take hold,
As doubts and worries uncontrollably unfold.

Each scenario, a dreaded sight,
A movie screen, playing day and night.
The past, the present, and the yet-to-be,
All collide in a tormenting decree.

Sleep eludes me, as the night turns to dawn,
My mind a battlefield, where reason is withdrawn.
Logic fades, replaced by anxious dread,
A prison of thoughts, where I'm trapped instead.

I crave the peace that others find,
But overthinking's grip remains unkind.
It's a relentless storm within my soul,
A suffocating weight that takes its toll.

Yet, amidst the chaos, a flicker of light,
A whisper of hope, a guiding sight.
For in the depths of my despair,
I'll seek solace in self-care.

Mindfulness, meditation, and respite,
Tools to tame the overthinking fight.
I'll focus on the present, let go of the rest,
And find solace in the moments that are blessed.

With time and effort, I'll break free,
From the prison of my mind, where I've been held captive.
Overthinking's grip will loosen its hold,
And I'll emerge stronger, with a story to be told.

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