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                         Chapter one
                      the maze runner

let's get into it

I suddenly wake up, in a case, with food, supplies and a fucking animal, where am i?

It's moving, i guess i'll just have to wait till i reach the top, as soon as i do, the roof opens and there's about 30 boys standing over it

"A girl?" One scoffs

"Why the fuck did we get a girl" Another one adds

"Excuse you?" I give them sass before climbing out, looking around i notice i'm surrounded by walls

That's until i see an opening

my way out

I start sprinting to it, all the boys yelling for me to stop, there calling me greenie or something

I continue running, i turn around to see the others running after me, and as soon as i turn back to the front, i'm shoved to the ground

I look up to see a guy

"Watch it there buttercup" He chuckles

I try to get up but he kneels down, pushing me back down

"Minho bring her over here!" Someone yells

"Right come on" He grabs my arm, forcing me to my feet

"Get off" I struggle to get out of his grip, but i kick him, right where the sun don't shine

He falls to the ground as i make a run for it, that's when i'm stopped again

By someone i recognise

"Gally?" I question

"Astrid?" He recognises me as well

"I thought you died" I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him into me

"Nah, just been here for the past three years" He pulls away from the hug

"What is this place?" I look around, noticing someone helping the guy who shoved me

Serves him right

"You know her?" Another guy walks towards us

"Yeah, that's my sister, the one i told you i remember?" Gally tells him

"Astrid?" He questions

"The one and only" I smile

"Well Astrid, we have some explaining to do for you" The random guy puts his arm on my shoulder

"I don't know you" I push it off

"Right sorry, im Alby" He puts out his hand for me to shake it

"I don't know where that hand has been" I glare at him

"Right, we have a lot of explaining to do, it starts with respecting each other and not hitting each other" He glances over to the guy i kicked

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