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Chapter five
The death cure

Let's get into it

"Listen i think i just saw Astrid" Gally runs into the room everyone is in

I practically jump up from my seat, "What? Where? How? Is she okay? Who was she is? Where is she? Did she see you?"

"I have no idea, she called my name and i didn't recognise her, she had blonde hair" He says

Blonde hair?

"Then she took off the mask, it looked exactly like her, she was with a man but he had a mask over his face, i have no idea who it is, he shot her with something but it wasn't a gun, it didn't kill her, she just fell to the ground, then he pointed an actual gun at me so i didn't go any further, he put her into the back of a truck and they drove away" He explains

"Janson" I mutter under my breath

"Do you know where they went?" I ask

"No they just back behind the giant walls" He replies

"Shit" I mutter under my breath

"We have to get her back" I point out

"What we have been trying to do for almost a year" I hear Frypan say

"Thanks Fry, needed to be reminded again" I look down to the ground as i fidget with my hands

"Hey it's okay" Josie rubs my shoulder slightly

"We will find her alright?" She tried to comfort me

"What if we don't?" I mutter

Her hand collides with my face, slapping me hard

"OW! What was that for?!" I yell bring my hand up to hold to my cheek where she slapped me

"To knock some sense into you, listen Astrid almost got away, if we don't get her back, she will find a way herself"

"That's just the type of girl she is" She shrugs

"So we are just going to go into the city?" I ask Gally

"Yeah, pretty much" He says

"You do realise that you tried to kill Astrid, how do we know you won't do it again?" I ask

"Because i won't, i have stung and wasn't thinking right"

"Yeah and what about all the shit you said to her? You know she started to believe it" I take a step towards him

He takes a step back

"Listen i'm sorry man, but she's my sister, i will get her back"

"And she's the love of my life, you try anything to screw it up, and i'll make your life, a living hell" I threaten

"Woah hold up" Gally gasps

"Love of your life?" He questions looking at everyone confused

"You're dating or what?"

"No, yes, kinda, i don't know, all i know is that i love her and she loves me, we need to get her back, you don't know what they put her through before" I sigh

"Please i'm sorry" I apologise as Janson holds a gun to my head

"You're useless, you're not immune, you can't find your mother, you kill people, you killed my best friend, those people outside the city, you're the reason everyone in the glade died, you never do anything right, you're worthless Astrid, literally worth nothing, you can't do anything right, you can never take responsibility for anything, you think you're so perfect but your not...." He spits at me harshly

"That's not true" I defend

"I don't even know why i kept you alive in the first place, you deserve to die, but i think you deserve the worst that you can ever get, so for that reason...."

"Stop it" I groan putting my hands over my ears

But Janson grabs them and pins them down to the ground

Tears prickle my eyes, as a lump grows in my throat

"Listen to me!" He tells

"I'm not going to kill you, but people you love, and it's all your fault, remember that as you are being tortured and kept in a cell for the rest of your unnecessary life"

"STOP IT!" I scream, tears pouring out of my eyes as i break down

My whole body feels like it's on fire with rage, i can feel clothes are sticking to my body, my ears ring with every sound around me

I can hear people walking, talking, cars moving, the rain, things dropping

I can't think properly, everything that comes to mind is disregarded by another thing coming into my mind

"You hear that Astrid?" Janson asks

"You are going to watch every single one of your friends die..."

"Starting with Minho" He grins

"NO!" I scream



"You made your choice, should have listened to me and not ran away"


"The one who i thought died Janson, you want to know how that made me feel?"

"Not really" He raises his gun

"You're a monster!" I shout

"A monster!" I repeat

Before i can get any more words out, i'm whacked across the head by Jansons gun, making everything go black

What the fuck, thank you so much for 2k reads, I LOVE U ALL

Y'all are really not ready for the next chapter, it's going to be long, like really long

And traumitising.....


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