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Chapter four
the scorch trials

let's get into it

"Minho why the fuck would you do that?!" Newt scolds me

"Do what?" I ask

"Attack a fucking guard"

"They attacked Astrid!" I yell

"And for this" I grin pulling a keycard out of my pocket

"What the hells that f-" Thomas gets cut off by a vent sliding across the floor

"You ready?" Aris peaks his head out, i nod and go over to the vent

"What are you doing? Ready for what?" Newt comes over

"Just cover for me, i'll explain later" I say slipping down into the vent

I crawl to where they carried in the bodies, i open the vent and me and Aris jump down

I run over to the door and open it with the keycard, when we walk in there's smoke around us, then a glass door opens

We walk through and see tubes, with brains? I'm not sure what it is

Then we see bodies, hooked up to things behind them, off the ground

I notice someone who look likes Astrid, i run over

It's not her

"Rachel...." Aris says behind me

"Who's Rachel?" I ask

"She was in my maze, she got called out to go to the eastern wing, to start her new life, i guess that's a lie" He mutters

That's when we hear a door open

"Shit hide" I whisper shout running behind something

I hear Janson voice

"Why does she want to talk to me?" He asks the guy beside him

"It's just what she wants" He replies as they walk

I look and see a holographic screen pop up, that's when i see Ava Paige, the one who worked for WICKED

The one who shot herself

"Ms Paige, how may i help you today?" Janson asks

"Have you caught the people in the mountains?" She asks

"Not yet, there on the move a lot, but our men are looking for them" Janson replies

"How is Astrid?" She asks

"Well, she's attacked multiple guards, she said that i worked for you, she accuses my doctors of abusing her, has tried to escape multiple times and she shouts and threatens everyone" Janson sighs

Sounds like Astrid

"Well that's Astrid for sure, make sure she doesn't escape" Ava says

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