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Chapter seven
The death cure

Let's get into it

"Gally!" I shout trying to find him

I open doors but he isn't in any of the rooms

"Gally where are you?!" I call out

"Right here, what's up?" He asks

"We have a plan" I grin as he follows me back to Josie

We both walk in the room and sit down

"So what's the plan?" He asks

"I'll turn myself in" Josie says

"Umm what?" Gally asks confused

"Listen i'm immune, they want immunes, i turn myself in, you and Minho find a way to get in the city, break us out" She shrugs

"That's a terrible plan!" Gally exclaims

"Yeah it is" Newt walks into the room

"You don't have to turn yourself in Josie" He says

"She saved my life, it's the least i can do" Josie replies

"She's saved all of our lives" Newt reminds us

"More reason for us to save her" She shrugs

"Why you? They have never even met you?" Gally questions

"They have" Josie looks down

"You wanna tell 'em?" Josie asks me

"Josie is Jansons daughter"

"Right so you're sure about this?" Newt asks Josie

"Yeah, just make sure you get to us" She nods at me

"Be safe okay?" I smile at her before hugging her

"I will, i'll also make sure your girlfriend is safe" She winks

I roll my eyes as she hugs the others

"Wish my luck" She smiles before walking ahead, she pushes past everyone

And goes across where no one is allowed to, i can't see

"DON'T SHOOT, IM HERE TO TURN MYSELF IS" I can hear her shout

Then i hear cars coming, hopefully they don't lay a finger on her

"Looks like you are getting a cell mate" One of the guard say before opening my cell and throwing someone in

"Fuck you dick" She says to the guard before looking at me

"Josie?!" I smile before wrapping my arms around her neck

"How? When? Where? What is going on?" I ask

"We have a plan" She whispers

"And this involves you being in the same cell as me?" I ask

"No what the hell are you guys doing?!" Janson storms into the room with all the cells

"Have you not seen what Astrid is capable of, and we have-" Janson stops talking once he sees Josie

"Hi dad" Josie smiles

"I'm sorry what?" I almost choke

"Josie" Janson says

"Why are you here?" He asks

"You wanted an immune, i'm trading myself in, you let Astrid go, and you can have me instead" She says

"HOLD UP WHAT?" I shout

"No Jo, don't do that" I put my hand on her shoulder

"Trust me" She whispers

"Put her in a different cell!" Janson demands

My cell door opens and Josie is dragged out and thrown into another one, opposite me

"Now get her to the room" Janson points to me

"No" I mutter

"No" I say even louder as a guard walks into my cell

"No!" I yell

"NO!" I scream as they grab me, i fight as hard as i can

"Let her go!" Josie yells

"You stay out of this!" Janson points to his daughter

"DON'T HURT HER!" Josie shouts before the cell room door in slammed shut

"Please don't do this" I beg

"I'll do anything"

"Don't hurt me"

"I'm sorry"

"Janson!" I yell

He turns around and faces me

"What?" He asks harshly

"Just let me sit in the cell, i don't wanna go through that again" I say

"Would you rather Minho go through it? It's you or him" He says

"You don't know where he is" I state

"Oh yes i do Astrid, i know exactly where he is, you think i don't have cameras everywhere? You or him, pick" He demands

"Me" I sigh not wanting Minho to get hurt

I get tied to a chair again

I scream in pain, losing my voice, making my throat sore, sobbing, for hours on end

I can't even walk back to my cell, i get set down gently by a guard

"Why are you so gentle?" I ask confused since the others just threw me in

"I can't take of my mask" He says

"Who are you?" I ask

"Let's just say, i love you"

There is no fucking way

Y'all wrote this in school in the bathrooms since my fucking friend left me

I literally have barely any and all them are off and the only one that went in went home, leaving me

So i'm having a really fucking bad day


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