Chapter 15

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There was a knock on the door. Amelia snapped her head, squinting her eyes as she tried her best to adjust her eyes to the brightness the room emitted. Yawning tirelessly, she rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand, looking towards the door.

It took a whole minute of persistent knocking before she finally yelled a response. She braced herself, waiting for Cosmos, but it wasn't Cosmos, instead, it was the housekeeper. The housekeeper smiled at her with her chubby cheeks, and she couldn't help but smile back.

"Is there a problem?"

"No ma'am" she bowed slightly which caused Amelia to scowl. *She was just like the cosmos*

"Your friend is here to see you and sir Xavier demanded I send for you before letting anyone in

*typical Xavier* Amelia rolled her eyes. She didn't need to be told, because she already knew that it was either Peter or Wendy. She had no other friends. The way he made her friend wait outside, all for whatever reason he could come up with, made her mad.

"Okay thank you, Mrs. Rebecca" Amelia smiled at the housekeeper, and she turned to leave.

Amelia yawned tiredly yet again as she slipped out of bed, walking towards her room door. After a deep exhale, she finally twisted the doorknob. Words couldn't describe how tired she was and the stress of walking down the stairs just to see her friends wore her off. Thanks to sir Xavier, who insisted they waited for her.

Arriving at the living room, she glimsped him, seated on the couch, eyes transfixed on a computer. She scowled at him at the same time clearing her throat to get him to look up and when he did, she glared harder before heading to the door, leaving him stunned.

Amelia made her way through the front door and came faced with Peter seated on the balcony. The moment he saw her, his face brightened up. Happiness overwhelmed her too and with time, they were both running toward each other for a hug. It was almost a week since she last saw him and words couldn't explain how happy she felt, seeing him in his usual bubbly self, unlike how he acted the last time she met with him.

As soon as they were close enough, they both went in for a hug, swaying around in each other's arms like they hadn't met in ages.

"Oh my God Peter, I missed you so much," she let out with a smile as soon as they broke the hug. Peter also had the same big smile.

They were about to walk back to the balcony to have a seat when she heard footsteps behind her. She turned to look around. To her surprise, it was Xavier.

His countenance was casual, but with the way he stared at them, it was obvious, something was going on in his mind.

She gazed at him, puzzled. When their eyes met, he peeled his eyes away from them and looked the other way instead. Amelia was certain he had a lot to say concerning Peter and her.

"I didn't realize you were here" She called out and He turned to look at her again with his signature irritated, pissed look on his face.

Amelia rolled her eyes at the gesture. The way he always had to make it seem like she was a pain in the ass made her annoyed, but she could do anything to prevent him from staring at her like that.

"The house suddenly heated up," he said to her and she rolled her eyes at him.

That was impossible. The whole house was highly equipped with multiple working ventilators, so she was certain it wasn't the reason he chose to step outside.

Amelia turned to look at Peter, signaling him she would be right back. With that done, she jogged over to where Xavier was. When she finally got in front of him, she gave him a nasty look. He gave her one too.

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