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Amelia flicked her eyes open as shuddered in fear. She looked around and breathed a sigh of relief when she found out it was only a dream. The same dream she kept on having and it always seemed so real.

She had thought she had been able to get past the constant nightmares, but it turned out that she couldn't.

She sat up from her bed, looking around in fear. It felt as though he was going to get to her any moment from now. One thing was certain, there was no way she was getting any sleep that night.

Amelia stood up from her bed and cleaned the bead of sweat that had gathered on her forehead. She made her way towards her room door and exited through it.

Asking Xavier for help was weird, but she didn't have a choice. Her paranoid self was taking control of her.

She was greeted by the dark quiet hallway and that only made her more scared as fear coursed through her. Not wanting to dwell or imagine any worse scenario, she quickly rushed towards Xavier's door.

Amelia took deep breaths and tried her best to steady herself before she finally knocked on the door.

"Xavier" she called out in a whisper, waiting patiently for the door to be opened. One thing was certain, she felt safe in his arm. There was no denying that.

Amelia was about to raise her hand to the door again, but the door opened, revealing Xavier. He stared at her in confused narrow eyes, while Amelia stood there awkwardly not knowing exactly how to stand, to act, or keep her face.

"Amelia" he called out softly, with his voice holding a bit of rasp. Amelia didn't fail to notice how messy his hair was. That brought different fantasies to my mind, but she immediately brushed them off.

"What are you doing here? You should be sleeping" he asked, staring at her with the initial confusion still lingering in his eyes.

*Yes I should be sleeping, but I can't*she said inwardly.

"Can I sleep here?" she said. With the way his eyes widened slightly, she could tell he was stunned. Yes, she wasn't loving the idea too. Or was she?

"Why do you wanna sleep here? What happened in your room?"

"I had a bad dream and... "She broke off, biting her lips nervously. "I'm scared" Xavier's eyes softened at her admission as he stared at her. Indeed her eyes held fear and this had to be the first time, he saw fear visible in her.

"Come in" he commanded

One thing Amelia couldn't seem to understand was how he was able to make the nicest word sound so bossy and commanding. She didn't know if it had to do with his commanding tone or the stern look he had on most of the time.

Amelia shrugged anyway and got. She ought to be grateful that he even let her come in rather than her making nonstop observations.

She sauntered into the room, shutting the door behind her. This was the first time she got a chance to see his room. It was crazy but true.

His light was turned off, leaving only, a dimmed blue light, which gave the room a calm Atmosphere. One thing was certain, it was way bigger than hers, having black and whites aesthetic, but mostly black.

His favorite color was black, she immediately sensed it. It was quite obvious, judging from the fact that all his tuxedo comprised of mostly black. His room being black just confirmed what she already knew.

He noticed how she gawked around the place. "Aren't you tired?" he asked, already hopping on the bed. With the way his eyes were, it was obvious he felt sleepy.

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