Ch 25

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"Eat up." He ordered and Amelia scoffed.

"And what if I don't want to?" She decided to prove stubborn just to piss him off.

"Then you would have to wait for me to eat up before I can tell you why I sent for you," he said with a casual demeanor as he ate and it caused her to scowl at him in annoyance. Her inner self had initially leaped for joy at the thought of him caring about her enough to ask her to eat up, but Xavier in his nature just had a way of ruining her everything.

"Absurd," she said out loud, not caring if he heard her or not. She reached for the bowl of salad and Xavier looked at her confusingly with cocked eyebrows.



"Is that even possible?"

"To me," she said, but the look on his face still held confusion, and sighed. "Whenever I feel sober enough to care about animals, I exempt meat from the meal, but occasionally I forget and eat meat"

"Then that doesn't make you a vegetarian, you are just confused," he chortled and Amelia felt the need to pour the salad on his face.

"Can you not use my information against me? You know nothing about being a vegan"

"And I assume you know?" he asked as the glare on her face increased.

"I'm a vegetarian, remember?"

"Partially" Xavier completed in a mocking tone and Amelia regretted telling him she wasn't a full vegetarian.

"I should have just stayed back," Amelia sighed in frustration. If she had stayed in her room, the food given to her would have been eaten without any stress, with no one to tease her and no one to make her go crazy. In as much as her room had privacy, she didn't wish to stay there. For some reason, she preferred staying with Xavier than in her lonely, more private room.

Being with Xavier always found a way of exciting her inwardly. A feeling she had been craving for for years.

"No you wouldn't," Xavier said with so much certainty that it stunned Amelia.

"And why is that?"

"I sent for you" he shrugged.

"And you think I couldn't have said no?"

"Could you?" he narrowed his eyes at her and Amelia shook her head in disbelief.

"Yes I could and I thought of doing it, but felt curious on why you suddenly want me to eat with you when we hardly do that, and you still don't want to tell me why you sent for me"

"I Mentioned earlier that I will brief you when you are done eating, and you have barely eaten anything"

"You have barely said anything"

"I'm sure I have already made myself clear," he said, taking a sip from his glass cup, it was a transparent liquid, but the way, he squinted his way after taking it, gave Amelia a cue that it wasn't water. Who takes alcohol during breakfast!?

Amelia on realizing that he wasn't going to tell her anything, decided to help herself and eat breakfast rather than wait for him to tell her something she wasn't sure he even wanted to tell her.

She grabbed the bowl of basmati rice and dished it on her plate accompanied by a sauce. She wasn't really hungry but judging from the fact that her curious self couldn't be tamed, she just needed to know what Xavier had to say.

She ate for a while and when finally done and had cleaned her mouth, she turned to look at Xavier who had long finished eating. Forcing a fake smile, she looked look at him once more, and he gave her a slight nod.

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