Semi finals

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"While I thought about coping with the divorce and everything, I was also thinking of how to take care of the baby growing inside me" she touched her stomach as she turned to look at Xavier. "Yes my love, I am 6 weeks gone" she blurted out and watched as Xavier's eyes widened in shock.

"Oh my God," Daphne squealed.

"Did you know this?" Lucas nudged Xavier who appeared too stunned to speak?

"How the fuck do you think I'd know?".

"You are the husband duh," Erica said with a chuckle.

Amelia walked towards Xavier and he gave her a warm hug. A child was the least he expected, but he didn't care. As long as it was coming from Amelia.

He kissed her and she kissed him back. It was a short kiss, but she still felt the fire rippling inside of her.

"Aww," Erica awed. "Now all this makes me wanna have a baby".

"We could always arrange that," Lucas said

Peter who stood by the side with a smile on his face and a glass of drink in his hands was tapped by Wendy.

"Oh, Wendy" he called out, taking a good look at her. "You look stunning" He commended.

"Well, what can I say" she smirked as she turned to look at Xavier and Amelia who were in each other's arms.

"Who's would have thought an immature, clumsy sweetheart could settle down so perfectly"

"I thought she was going to go for me, but since it's him, I'll give my consent"

"Oh please," Wendy playfully rolled her eyes at him. "We both know you never liked Xavier"

"But I'm happy for the both of them"

"So what are the plans? You did say you are in remission" she said and Peter couldn't but smile.

"I'll continue with the pub and see what life has in store for me" he turned to look at Wendy. " What about you?"

"I already told you. I'm leaving town. I want a break from California"

"You and Amelia are both leaving?"

"Yeah, it's time to face reality," Wendy said and Peter nodded in agreement.

Amelia turned to Xavier with the smile not leaving her face.

"So who's the guy Daphne brought?," Amelia asked Xavier who had his hands wrapped around her waist.

"Her fiance" Xavier answered.

"The one she ran away with?


"Your parent gave their blessing?"

"Of course. They had no choice when Lucas and I stepped in"

"They look happy together" Amelia smiled at them. Daphne noticed she was smiling and waved at her. Amelia waved back.

Xavier pulled her closer to himself. "Eyes on me young lady," he said and Amelia rolled her eyes at him.

"How long have you been hiding that from me?"

"What? " Amelia feigned ignorance.

"My baby"

"Six weeks" she said."Are you happy about it?"

"I'm thrilled at the thought of you carrying my child?"

"It's more thrilling to imagine what a lovely father you'll become"

"Don't get so excited. I might be the most clueless"

"But that wouldn't make you less awesome"

Xavier leaned in and kissed her. He just couldn't get enough of her. He stared down at her adorable eyes. It was the best. He loved the way she looked at him. That look always drove him crazy. No woman had ever looked at him that way before.

She was the most daring woman he had ever met and he loved her for it. He began to imagine what he would do if he didn't have her in his life. He also imagined what would have become of him if he didn't protect her from Martin and he took this precious Jewel from him.

"Can I steal him from you for a second?" Lucas's voice was heard and Amelia stepped aside Xavier didn't leave without planting a kiss on her cheeks.

"I remembered how much you swore you didn't love her a while ago" Lucas spoke first and Xavier laughed at his stupidity.

"I was in denial," Xavier said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"And you were gay?" Lucas added.

"Yeah it's crazy"

"Well, no more gay bars for you. It won't be hard for you, you've got yourself a beautiful wife"

Xavier nodded his head in agreement.

"Since you proposed to her, there's gonna be a wedding right?"

"Of course" Xavier assured. "The first one wasn't felt. I want to do it again with her. This time I would savor all the emotions"

"It's good seeing you like this" Lucas said with a smile on his face. He meant, he loved seeing his brother happy.

"So you and Erica are now a thing. Well You have my consent" Xavier teased.

"The fuck" Lucas couldn't help but laugh. "She's not as bad as I thought"
"Yeah under that stubborn coat. She is a loving woman"

There was a brief silence before Lucas spoke again. "So about the painting?"

"Burn it" Xavier didn't even want to hear another word. "Nathan is gone, Martin is gone too. It's just me and you me. I don't see the use of keeping it anymore"

"I thought as much," Lucas said


"Don't look at me like that" Henry playful scowled at Daphne.

"Well, we are all waiting for you to bring home a girl. You are 28" she folded her arm as she stared at him.
Mr. and Mrs. Garcia who was near picked interest in the conversation.

"Nah I think I'd just stick to being gay. Women freak me out"

"I don't know about you, but I think women are wonderful" Mr. Garcia leaned closer and kissed his wife on the forehead and she smiled.

"Of course, they are," Mrs. Garcia said."Even if it's a man or a woman, just bring someone home. okay?"

"Not yet. I still have a lot to do before getting married"

"Like being a pain in my ass?" Daphne asked.

"Exactly" he answered.

"Fair enough" Michael spoke up and Daphne nudged him playfully

And we are almost at the end guysssss!!!!!!!!

My Husband Is GayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora