Ch 67: Lets start over Amelia

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Amelia walked down the stairs with her eyes red and puffy. It was the day the contract marriage was supposed to end. Xavier had told her the previous day to get ready for the divorce the next day. She was devastated. She had thought he wasn't going to carry on with the divorce, but she thought wrong.

How the hell was she going to raise his child by herself? She knew if they got a divorce, she wouldn't be able to stand him after that.

"You are wearing that?" Amelia heard his voice and she raised her head to look at him. He was dressed in a black tuxedo and it made her wonder if it wasn't a divorce they were going for.

She was dressed in her regular wear. Her hair was wrapped in a bun and her face held no makeup. Xavier looked like the handsome organized man he was known to be while she on the other hand looked like a dog's vomit.

"I don't see why I shouldn't " her voice was raspy. That was the effect of crying her eyes the previous night.

"The last time I checked, we are going to a divorce, not our wedding"

"And you want them to know how vulnerable you are?" He said.

If he was trying to get her angry, he succeeded. She glared at him. "How dare you" she yelled at him. "I am not the vulnerable one, you are" she screamed out the only thing that was in her head.

It was ridiculous because she was certainly the vulnerable one.
She hated the fact that he was right. She was going to prove him wrong. Xavier Garcia couldn't make her look helpless. She was going to show him who's boss.

"Fuck you Garcia" She held up her middle fingers and matched upstairs.

"Where are you going?" she heard him yell from downstairs.

"To prove you wrong asshole" she muttered under her breath.

When she got to her room, she marched straight to her closet. She opened it and started flinging clothes out.

Pink, yellow, brown, glittery. All of them were thrown out of the closet. She needed something that would help portray her mood and at the same time make her look powerful.

Her lips curved into a smile when she saw a black dress. A dress she hadn't worn before. She was going to make Xavier regret ever thinking of divorcing her.

She took off her clothes and slipped them on. It was revealing. Her back was bare. The dress had a very daring slit at the side, her cleavage was out and It was very fitted. It was the kind of dress that could be used to get any man.

She wasn't wearing the dress to seduce Xavier. She was wearing it to make him pay for causing her so much pain.

She got to the mirror and she almost cried at her reflection. She looked miserable. Her eyes were red and puffy. She couldn't believe she had earlier decided to go out like that.

No wonder Xavier called her vulnerable.

She did some make-up to conceal her misery. She accessorized herself with a pretty necklace and a glittery purse. When she was done, she undid her bun and let her hair cascade down her shoulder. She brushed it out with a brush and in no time, she was perfect.

"Let's see who the miserable one is Garcia," she said with a smile as she walked out of her room.

Her heels made clattering sounds as she walked down the stairs and that stole Xavier's attention. He was initially making a phone call but when he saw her, the phone slipped from his ears. He swallowed hard.

"Are we going to sign the divorce papers or are you just going to stand there and gawk?" She asked with a pleasing slight smile on her face.

"Yes we are" his voice had changed so much. He didn't even realize he didn't give the correct answer to the question.

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