Ch 38

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Amelia groaned in frustration, tossing yet another dress to the floor. 'Too short' she commented inwardly, gazing at the stack of clothes laying on the floor that didn't seem to fit her fashion spirit.

She racked her brain for something suitable to wear but she was as blank as the plain paint used on the wall surrounding her room. She looked at the remains of clothes still hanging in her closet and she began her haunting.

Her closet had all manner of complicated wears and it sickened her. She had no idea how much she was confused in terms of fashion. This was the first time she was going on a red carpet event. An outsider would assumed she always went to fancy places because of her intimacy with a wealthy billionaire who was well recognized across the globe but it wasn't the case for Amelia.

Amelia sat at the edge of her bed after too many failed attempts at picking up a suitable dress. Should she cancel?. No, that was uncalled for and she didn't have any other choice than to go with him.

Amelia heard a knock on the front door, at the same time, the door opened. She knew that it had to be Stephanie. Amelia prayed inwardly, hoping that Stephanie had the perfect dresses because she was most definitely going to lose her mind if the dresses weren't to her taste.

She made her way to the sitting room and came faced with Stephanie who was just placing a large bag on the couch, nearest to the door.

Xavier sat on a couch skimming through his phone and she wondered if he wasn't going to get ready. Here she was, stressing herself out about the whole red carpet show and he wasn't even dressed. Could he be less annoying?

"So I heard you needed my help" Stephanie beamed as she walked over to Amelia and hugged her.

"Yeah, I most definitely do. Upstairs" Amelia signaled and Stephanie trailed her from behind. Amelia couldn't help but be thankful for the fact that Stephenie came because she was already as confused as hell about what to wear.

They got to her room and Stephenie dropped the bag of clothes on the bed and immediately Amelia began rummaging through it. A pink dress, white dress, red, Amelia tossed them out of the bag as she continued her search for a perfect dress.

How about this one, Stephenie said, raising a dress out of the bag and Amelia immediately concluded that her hand did hold magic. The lilac dress brought by Stephenie was just perfect.

Transparent silk cascaded at the top of the dress and that only meant her cleavage was bound to be exposed. It was quite a pretty dress and she was ready to risk it all. If at all she wanted to look stunning. The dress was quite long but the daring slit complemented the dress, torn to her thigh region.

"okay this is lovely," Amelia said still looking at the dress in admiration. Swiveling it around to get a better view of the dress.

"It's kind of amusing how you just know what I want," Amelia said with a smile and Stephenie smiled back.

"Perks for being a designer," Stephenie said and Amelia snickered

"Now I have to start thinking of how to behave at the red carpet show. I'm so nervous" Amelia said resting her plan on her head as she breathed out sharply.

"A red carpet event shouldn't be a problem. If I was you, I'd be thinking of a way to create a better show and make you and Xavier's commitment as real as possible"

"So all this is just for show off? "

"Something like that, more pictures, less talking"

"I thought it was meant for only celebrities and all"

"A  red carpet event is usually a formal occasion featuring celebrities, famous sports heroes, fashion models, well-known politicians or heads of state and also, Xavier is a celebrity, but a very introverted one in the sense that he doesn't like his private life out in the public"

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